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Hillary, with Sid’s Aid, Has Long Plotted to Overturn Citizens United


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citizens-united-ruling-hillary-clinton-blamed-mysterious-forcesNational Review:

Brendan Bordelon

September 1, 2015


New e-mails released from Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail account by the State Department late on Monday show that the then–secretary of state was furious over the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, blaming mysterious “forces” for orchestrating the January 2010 ruling and plotting with shadow adviser Sidney Blumenthal about ways to overturn it.


Two days after the Court’s January 21, 2010, decision — which cited the First Amendment in its decision to overturn aspects of campaign-finance laws that restricted the political spending of organizations — Blumenthal forwarded to Clinton an article from the Center for Public Integrity. The piece postulated that the new ruling would allow foreign leaders to sway American elections through donations from U.S. subsidiaries of foreign companies.


“This is unbelievable,” Clinton replied to Blumenthal. “Or maybe totally so given the forces at work.” She gave no further hint as to what “forces” she was referring to.


The two sent several e-mails back and forth trying to devise a plan of attack against the 5–4 ruling. “Getting a legislative fix might be a good initiative for [President Obama’s State of the Union address],” Blumenthal said. “Let the Republicans try to oppose it.”



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