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Republican Party, R.I.P. (1854 – 2016)


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republican-party-r-i-p-1854-2016RedState: Republican Party, R.I.P. (1854 – 2016)

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | August 28th, 2015 at 04:30 AM


f Donald Trump fades away the party leaders will conclude they beat him and the crazy base.They will, like the Bourbons of France, learn nothing and forget nothing.”

In 1854, confronted by the moral evil of slavery and the inability of the Whigs to provide clarity against it, the Republican Party formed. Whig Party leaders either shifted and the inability of the Whigs to provide clarity against it, the Republican Party formed. Whig Party leaders either shifted.


By 1858, the Republican Party had majorities in almost all Northern States even without a Southern presence. The party won the Presidency for the first time in 1860 and commanded the White House throughout the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century. With the rise of Soviet evil after World War II, the Republicans again commanded the White House repeatedly until the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Scissors-32x32.png

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August 28, 2015

The New Jacksonian Rebellion (and Trump, too)

By J. Robert Smith

Schadenfreude, I must confess. Yes, I’m deriving pleasure from the GOP establishment’s pain. Trump’s the thorn in the RINO side; the wound festers, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.


Perverse pleasure aside, though, there’s something bigger happening than Trump among Americans and on the right. It’s positively Jacksonian.


The Trump phenomenon isn’t a quirk, a passing shadow – though, perhaps, The Donald is. What ‘16 is, and what Trump personifies, is the next stage in the liberty rebellion that commenced in ’09 with the tea parties. Indeed, the much maligned Tea Party movement is morphing. It’s taking on a populist tinge. It’s more brazen – dare say, strident – in that a celeb – The Donald – has stepped forward to voice what grassroots conservatives and growing numbers of Americans think about political correctness and the leftist policies that are wrecking the nation. Trump entertains, but in fact, his campaign is resonating because the messaging resonates. Trump is leading an advance deeper into the American electorate. Scissors-32x32.png


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