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Power Line

Scott Johnson

August 11, 2015


Iranian officials have proved a valuable source of information about our interim and final deals with the regime. Now the invaluable MEMRI has compiled new information from Iranian sources on the background to these deals. MEMRI titles its compilation “Iranian Senior Officials Disclose Confidential Details From Nuclear Negotiations: Already In 2011 We Received Letter From U.S. Administration Recognizing Iran’s Right To Enrich Uranium.” The information (I use the word not knowing whether it is accurate or not) compiled by MRMRI belies statements made by President Obama and administration officials. At NR Andrew McCarthy provides this useful summary:



If what senior Iranian officials are saying is true, the Obama administration’s duplicity in explaining its nuclear negotiations with Iran is even more staggering than we realized.


In a new report, MEMRI reveals that, according to Iranian officials, the Obama administration initiated secret negotiations with Iran not after the 2013 election of President Hassan Rouhani, but rather in 2011 when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was still Iran’s president.


That means the administration did not wait to reach out until Iran was governed by Rouhani, the purportedly “pragmatic” moderate the Obama administration contrasts with Iranian “hardliners” who supposedly oppose the Iran deal. It reached out when Ahmadinejad, an unapologetic “Death to America, death to Israel” hardliner, was running Iran’s government.




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