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John Kasich would be a great presidential candidate — if he weren't completely insufferable


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john-kasich-great-presidential-candidate--werent-completely-insufferableThe Week:

John Kasich of Ohio has the resume. He's a successful governor of a swing state that Republicans need to win. His background at Fox News gave him ample time to learn how to work the camera. He gained a sterling conservative reputation as a budget-cutter when he was in Congress. He restricted abortion and passed voter I.D. laws in his home state. His governorship saw Ohio rebound from the depths. And he's not a typical Republican, boasting some moderate positions that can attract independent voters.


But there's a problem.


The New York Times described him as "a blunt-spoken and unorthodox Republican." A profile of him in National Journal called him "arrogant" and "prickly." John McCain once said of Kasich: "He has a hair-trigger temper."


He's a jerk, in other words. An insufferably pious one.



He's running for Vice President anyway, isn't he?

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