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The Knees Have It


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the-knees-have-it: The Knees Have It

by Mark Steyn
The War on Free Speech
July 22, 2015


I mentioned a few days ago the announcement by Charlie Hebdo that they are no longer in the business of Mohammed cartoons:


So another non-senseless act has paid off bigtime for the Islamic enforcers. I regret the decision, although I understand it.


Which I do. Almost everyone who mattered at Charlie Hebdo is dead.


What did they die for? A hashtag and a candlelight vigil? None of those who seized eagerly on #JeSuisCharlie as the cause du jour, from Angela Merkel and François Hollande to George Clooney and Helen Mirren to thousands in the streets of Paris and millions across the Internet, were willing to do the one thing that would have mattered, and show the reason why they died. Which is why such sterling champions of free speech as PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas and Sultan Erdogan's vizier Ahmet Davutoglu were happy to march in the big post-slaughter parade. Do you think they'd have been there if any of the dead's multitudes of new "friends" were waving Charlie magazine covers?


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