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Get ready for Hillary’s “new” economic plan


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get-ready-for-hillarys-new-economic-planHot Air:

Jazz Shaw

July 12, 2015


When Hillary Clinton gave her long awaited first interview with CNN’s Brianna Kielar this week there was one annoying moment (among many) which stuck in my mind. Kielar asked her about Bernie Sanders’ many press appearances where he said that it was high time to raise taxes on the wealthy and wanted to know if Clinton’s own plans would include a similar tax hike. Clinton responded by saying that she would soon be giving a speech outlining her economic plan and then veered back to her continuing theme about how wonderful it was to have competition and the need for a robust debate during the primary. To her credit, Kielar tried again, asking if that plan would include tax hikes, but Clinton shot her down again, flatly refusing to answer the question or even give so much as a hint.


Well, the predicted speech is coming up tomorrow and one of Clinton’s spokesmodels is talking up the highlights we can expect. The Wall Street Journal provides the sneak peek and, as you might expect, there’s still no answer on the T Word.




In a Monday economic speech, the Democratic presidential front-runner will focus on the differences between herself and her Republican foes. She will accuse them of seeking economic growth without regard to whether the middle class thrives, and say that raising incomes for all Americans is “the defining economic challenge of our time,” a campaign aide said.


But the speech in New York City will also draw implicit contrasts with Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is mounting a strong challenge from the left for the Democratic nomination. He is focusing heavily on economic inequality, arguing that the economic pie should be divided more fairly and calling for taxes on the wealthy to pay for initiatives that will boost the middle class.


Mrs. Clinton will put relatively more emphasis on the need to make the pie larger. Her economic policy advisers say she aims to walk a course between a focus on inequality and one on growth.




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How Hillary might 'encourage' employee profit-sharing


Hillary Clinton proposed employee profit-sharing as a way to boost middle-class incomes in a speech Monday outlining her economic platform, saying that "hard-working Americans deserve to benefit from the record corporate earnings they help to produce."


Clinton, however, left the details of how she would promote profit-sharing to a speech Thursday, saying only that as president she would "encourage" businesses to promote profit-sharing arrangements.


Three options the Democrats' front-runner might consider were laid out in a January report on progressive economics published by the Center for American Progress, a nonprofit think tank with ties to Clinton's campaign.


1. Increase tax incentives for incentive-based pay. Under the current tax code, some public companies are able to deduct some performance-based bonuses from tax liabilities. Congress could expand the tax benefits for incentive-based pay for workers by conditioning the deduction on the incentive-based pay being spread across all employees.Scissors-32x32.png



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The four worst ideas from Hillary's economic plan


"Under President Clinton — I like the sound of that — America saw the longest peacetime [economic] expansion in our history."


Hillary Clinton gave her first major economic speech as a 2016 presidential candidate Monday, walking a thin line between arguing that the economy needs improving and blaming President Obama for not doing more.


Clinton criticized the Obama economy several times without calling her former boss out by name; rather, she cited factors like high youth unemployment and bankers not being prosecuted for the financial crisis. "Too-big-to-fail is still too big a problem."


Clinton said several times that she wanted to go further than Obama's economic policies, specifically regarding Obamacare, Dodd-Frank financial regulations and labor rules.




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Fiorina: Clinton's economic agenda a 'bundle of contradictions'

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton outlined her economic agenda on Monday in a speech that featured several attacks on Wall Street and calls for corporate tax reform.

Less than an hour after the former secretary of state concluded her remarks, GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina emerged with an impassioned response.

"[Hillary Clinton's] speech proved two things to me: She is a card-carrying member of the professional political class and she doesn't understand how the economy works," Fiorina said in a short video posted on her Facebook page.


The former Hewlett-Packard CEO described Clinton's speech as a "bundle of contradictions [and] a litany of progressive prescriptions."Scissors-32x32.png


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