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Clinton to call for at least 20 days of early voting nationwide


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?wpisrc=al_alert-politicsWashington Post:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton plans to call for an early voting period of at least 20 days in every state.


Clinton will call for that standard in remarks Thursday in Texas about voting rights, her campaign said. She will also criticize what her campaign calls deliberate restrictions on voting in several states, including Texas.


The former secretary of state's address at historically-black Texas Southern University in Houston comes as Democrats pursue legal challenges to voting rule changes approved by Republican legislatures in several states.


Clinton and her allies claim the changes are aimed at narrowing the electorate in ways that benefit Republicans.


“This is, I think, a moment when we should be expanding the franchise,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in an interview. “What we see in state after state is this effort by conservatives to restrict the right to vote.”


The legal effort began late last month with lawsuits in Wisconsin and Ohio, both presidential battleground states.



Longest election ever?

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hillary-to-call-for-expansion-of-early-voting-scam-nationwidePJ Media:

Hillary Clinton will call for at least 20 days of early voting in all U.S. states in a speech in Texas on Thursday, her campaign said.


Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, will criticize restrictive voting laws passed in some states, and argue that expanding the early voting period would make it easier for working Americans to cast their ballots, the campaign said.

In whatever universe the Democrats are inhabiting, the two most difficult things to do seem to be getting an ID or reading a calendar to plan for 30 minutes at the polls. While I don’t think it helps much to immediately dismiss people on the other side of the political aisle as stupid, the Democrats keep asking us to treat them that way.Scissors-32x32.png

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If you insist on early voting (IMHO an incredibly mind blowingly stupid idea)...20 hours sounds about right.


If you can't take (?) 45 minutes-1 hour out of your Oh So really busy really really important day once every 2 years...I don't want you voting!


In fact if I were the king of the forest, not earl not duke not prince, I'd make it harder to vote. If you can't name your state Representative & Senator, go home, you are not qualified to vote.

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