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America’s Most Awful Liberal Is a #FloridaMan: Alan Grayson


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america-s-most-awful-liberal-is-a-floridaman-alan-grayson.htmlThe Daily Beast:

Nick Gillespie




He’s a * GD congressman, which means he should be held to slightly higher standards than homeless men who are forever masturbating in Walmart toy sections, wrestling squirrels and alligators while * f*****-up out of their minds, and punching police horses while protecting imaginary girlfriends. Indeed, Grayson should strive to comport himself with at least the modicum of decorum that Internet phenom and 9/11 truther Alex Jones has managed while having Grayson on his show.




No, it’s really the way Grayson talks in the strictly political sphere that is most troubling. In the early 1990s, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously complained that the country was “defining deviancy down.” The problem, Moynihan argued, was that “we have been redefining deviancy so as to exempt much conduct previously stigmatized, and also quietly raising the ‘normal’ level in categories where behavior is now abnormal by any earlier standard.”


I actually don’t buy Moynihan’s large argument (much of what he considered deviant, we now rightly recognize as individuality, fashion, or simple expression), but I think his phrase is useful when discussing how politicians act and talk. We put up with a lot more crap from pols than we used to and that tolerance is not leading either to better outcomes or deeper discussions of important topics.




** Members of Congress should be held to higher standards than regular voters.....(Snip)




Thank you Nick For Proving Pats Point.


* Not deleted in original

** And So Should National Columnists and the Magazines that print their writtings.



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