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Hillary Clinton ignores Social Security expansion calls, mum on own benefits


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hillary-clinton-ignores-liberals-calls-to-expand-sWashington Times:

Hillary Rodham Clinton stuck with her centrist persona Monday when her presidential campaign delved into the Social Security debate, ignoring liberals’ calls to expand benefits even as she bemoaned the plight of a New Hampshire woman forced out of retirement and back to work because of skimpy benefit checks.


The former secretary of state pressed the woman during a roundtable discussion to reveal her monthly Social Security income to highlight the problems faced by seniors. She asked for the financial information even though her campaign repeatedly refused to say whether the 67-year-old candidate collects benefits herself or how much she pockets.


Mrs. Clinton said only that as president she would be “100 percent committed” to providing retirees a good quality of life.


The exchange at the event with workers at Whitney Bros., a children’s furniture and toy manufacturer in Keene, New Hampshire, underscored Mrs. Clinton’s cautious approach to her party’s progressive wing.


She has been under intense pressure from her Democratic Party’s left wing to embrace a plan to expand Social Security benefits and pay for it with increased taxes on wealthy Americans.Scissors-32x32.png


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