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Mike Huckabee to provide timeline for presidential decision


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Katie Glueck



Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will announce whether he will run for president on May 5 in his hometown of Hope, Ark., he said Friday night in a Fox News appearance.


“May 5 is the day I’ll make an announcement and I hope people will come to Hope, Ark., not just to tour the Bill Clinton birthplace, but there’s going to be an announcement that day and everybody will know then for sure whether Mike Huckabee is in the race or not,” he told Fox’s Bret Baier.


Huckabee, who won the Iowa caucuses in 2008 before losing the Republican nomination to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and later spent a half-decade as a Fox News commentator and host, would face an uphill battle in the crowded 2016 GOP field. Earlier in the day, he told a group of reporters gathered in a Capitol Hill hotel that that he is weighing whether he would have sufficient money and political organization to wage a bid.


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