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Abandoned By Science, the Climate Cult Is A Full-Time Witch Hunt Now


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The climate-change cult is a full-on witch hunt now, and very little else. Bereft of any actual climate change, desperately seeking to avoid tough questions about why none of its sacred computer models has borne even the slightest resemblance to reality, forced to watch its every attempt to grab a headline debunked within hours, and facing new studies that might deal a death blow to its core beliefs regarding “greenhouse gas,” the Church of Global Warming can do nothing except attack its critics as heretics – or “deniers,” to use the term they haven’t yet realized isn’t scaring anyone.


A running Inquisition is the only way our mandatory State religion can keep the faithful in line. Remember, we’re not talking about anything resembling “science” any more – the scientific method says that when real-world data fails to confirm your hypothesis, you change the hypothesis, and the theory we’re talking about was supposed to be civilization-smashing climate apocalypse brought about by human industry, not naturally-occurring variances in global temperature so tiny that odds must be laid on whether they’ve occurred at all. The climate cult is scrambling to explain why there hasn’t been any significant global temperature variation for two decades, and has been reduced to screaming “GOTCHA!” when someone says the amount of climate change has been exactly zero when there’s a chance it might have changed by some tiny fraction of a degree, maybe, depending on how the data is compiled.


Thus we have a piece at Slate attempting to work up a little burn-the-witch political enthusiasm by sobbing that the best-case scenario for the climate cult from the 2016 is preservation of the status quo, “leaving us with a climate-conscious president, if a Democrat wins, still stymied by a climate change-denying Congress.” The worst case, of course, would be some Republican heretic who accurately points out that nothing even vaguely resembling the crisis we’ve been taxed billions of dollars to prevent has occurred, so maybe it’s time to cut into the Church of Global Warming’s lavish funding a bit.


There follows a side-splittngly funny “voters’ guide” rating random Republicans – not just likely White House contestants or even long shots, but senators – on their level of heresy (er, excuse me, “denialism.”) How funny is it? The first category of “We’re Ready to… Talk,” rated “as good as it gets,” includes only two “White House hopefuls:” Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham. You need a heart of stone not to laugh at a broken movement that thinks Lindsey Graham is (a) the best-case scenario and (B) a viable candidate.


Also hilarious: what gets a Republican into that best-case “ready to talk” category was voting for symbolic language in the Keystone pipeline bill which “acknowledged man plays a ‘significant’ role in climate change.” Forget what you learned in school, kids, “science” has nothing to do with testing theories against hard data. It’s all about signing symbolic political attachments to bills that get vetoed because influential Green fanatics don’t give a hoot about all the science that proves the Keystone pipeline is a good idea – they need it killed because their movement would be emotionally incapable of handling defeat after so many years of fighting the project, and some of their leaders make a lot of money by keeping that pipeline down.


Even signing that ritual confession of possible climate sin wasn’t good enough to keep poor Senator Rand Paul from getting bumped into the next category down, “It’s Just Not Worth It,” because he dares to make reasonable concessions to the short-term economic health of American citizens, instead of destroying everything Church elders point a trembling finger at, no question asked. His supposedly damning quote comes from an interview with Bill Maher on HBO: “I’m not against regulation. I think the environment has been cleaned up dramatically through regulations on emissions as well as clean water over the last 40 or 50 years, but I don’t want to shut down all forms of energy such that thousands and thousands of people lose their jobs.”


He’s in favor of sensible environmental regulation that produced detectable gains in clean air and water, but doesn’t want to shut down all forms of energy and wantonly destroy thousands of jobs because of a long-shot theory? BURN THE WITCH! Well, okay, just burn his feet, or something. The carbon emissions of burning witches haven’t been studied carefully enough yet.



The Cult becomes desperate.

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