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Holder Frames Ferguson PD For Racism Using Bogus 'Disparate Impact' Stats


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030515-742174-holder-frames-ferguson-pd-with-bogus-stats.htmInvestors Business Daily:

Racial Politics: Unable to pin racism charges on Ferguson policeman Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown, Attorney General Eric Holder is using half-baked data to manufacture a case of racism against his entire police force.


Holder's race-baiting civil rights crew combed through several years of Ferguson Police Department data on traffic stops, searches and arrests and "found a pattern of racial disparities in Ferguson's police activities."


"African Americans are overrepresented in FPD's vehicular stops" and victims of "racial bias," Holder concludes in his report.


He notes that blacks accounted for 85% of vehicle stops, "despite comprising only 67% of Ferguson's population," while whites made up 15% of stops, despite representing 29% of the population.


So there you have it, a slam-dunk case of racism, right? Hardly.


Outrageously, the nation's top prosecutor failed to control for factors that explain the racial "disparity" in traffic stops, such as speeding, DUI, expired license plates, headlight, seat-belt and child-restraint violations and other reasons for being pulled over.


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Holder says he’s ‘prepared’ to dismantle Ferguson police department if necessary
Katie Zezima
March 6 2015

Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday the Department of Justice is ready to take any and all steps that are needed to reform the Ferguson, Mo., police department, including the potential dismantling of the force.

Speaking to reporters at Andrews Air Force Base after a trip to South Carolina with President Obama, Holder said he was stunned by what the investigation uncovered, and will go to all necessary lengths to address racial bias and other systemic issues within the force. A Department of Justice report released Wednesday showed the police department demonstrated a pattern of racial bias and committed constitutional violations.

"We are prepared to use all the powers that we have, all the power that we have, to ensure that the situation changes there. That means everything from working with them to coming up with an entirely new structure," Holder said. When asked if that included dismantling the department, he said, "If that's what's necessary, we're prepared to do that."





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Holder and the residents of Ferguson won't be happy until the entire police force is black. And then express SHOCK when the crime rate goes even higher.

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Ferguson To Holder: “Bring It. Yourself. Buzz Aldrin Could Calibrate You.”

Posted on | March 7, 2015 | 2 Comments

by Smitty


Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday the Department of Justice is ready to take any and all steps that are needed to reform the Ferguson, Mo., police department, including the potential dismantling of the force.


But was it really racism?


The complex question of the relationship between wealth and race comes into play here, but it might reasonably be said that this practice — of police and prosecutors and courts together — disproportionately affects black communities not because they are black, but because they are poor. They do not have the means to escape the justice apparatus, unlike the comparatively wealthy, who can pay a fine and be done with the matter — or hire an attorney, and inconvenience courts that prefer the ease of collecting fees to the challenge of arbitrating cases. Scissors-32x32.png


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Ferguson Reports Show Disparate Impact Racket At Work




The U.S. Department of Justice issued two reports last week, both growing out of the Ferguson, Mo., shooting of Michael Brown.


The first report, about "the shooting death of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson," ought to be read by every American.


It says in plain English what facts have been established by an autopsy on Brown's body — by three different pathologists, including one representing Brown's family — by DNA examination of officer Wilson's gun and police vehicle, by examination of the pattern of blood stains on the street where Brown died and by a medical report on officer Wilson, from the hospital where he went for treatment.


The bottom line is that all this hard evidence, and more, show what a complete lie was behind all the stories of Brown being shot in the back or being shot while raising his hands in surrender.


Yet that lie was repeated and dramatized in demonstrations and riots from coast to coast, as well as in the media and even in the halls of Congress.


The other Justice Department report, issued the same day — "Investigation of the Ferguson Police Department" — was a complete contrast. Sweeping assumptions take the place of facts, and misleading statistics are thrown around recklessly.


This second report is worth reading, just to get a sense of the contrast with the first.Scissors-32x32.png



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