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Jeb Bush stands firm on controversial immigration, education policies at CPAC


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perry-rubio-highlight-islamic-state-threats-immigration-in-fiery-speeches-atFox News:

February 28, 2015


Jeb Bush stood firm at the Conservative Political Action Conference Friday, defending his position on immigration reform and Common Core before a sometimes skeptical crowd of voters who don’t always see eye to eye with his policies.


Energetic and composed, Bush also defended his record on granting drivers licenses to illegal immigrants while he was governor of Florida.


“The simple fact is there is no plan to deport 11 million people,” he said. “We should give them a path to legal status where they work, where they don’t receive government benefits … where they learn English and where they make a contribution to our society.”


His comments were met with a mix of applause and scattered boos from the crowd – a change from earlier in the day when just the mere mention of his name triggered a chorus of boos.






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Two First Steps for Immigration Reform Arizona Patriot April 13, 2015

At the outset of any discussion, one needs to identify the problem. The Democratic Party is heavily invested in a lawless immigration policy. For ideological reasons, many Democrats are inclined to favor illegal immigrants as a “victim” class. But their political goal is even more important: eventual citizenship for 10-12 million illegals, who they believe will then become a Democratic constituency strongly tilting the electoral playing field in their advantage. Scissors-32x32.png


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