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Giuliani stands by Obama comments


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Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said his office has received death threats since his controversial comments accusing President Barack Obama of not loving America.


"My secretary has received some death threats," Giuliani said in a brief interview by phone. But the former mayor emphasized the majority of the voice mails left at his office were supportive of his remarks. Giuliani did not say whether he alerted police to the threatening calls. CNN cannot confirm whether the threats were made.


As for his initial remarks that ignited the firestorm, spoken at a private dinner for Wisconsin's Republican Gov. Scott Walker, a potential 2016 presidential contender, Giuliani offered no apologies.


"I don't regret making the statement. I believe it," Giuliani said. "I don't know if he loves America," he added.


"I don't feel the same enthusiasm from him for America," he continued during the interview.


Giuliani said he didn't mind that his comments became public. At the dinner, he said, were well-known members of the news media, including CNBC anchor Larry Kudlow who, Giuliani said, was the event's moderator.


The former mayor said he's received calls congratulating him for his remarks, including one from Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.


The Louisiana governor's spokesman Curt Anderson confirms Jindal did speak with Giuliani by phone. While the spokesman, who asked not to be named, said Jindal did not endorse everything the former mayor said about Obama, he added the governor also has deep concerns about the president's leadership on Islamist radicalism.


"The Governor did call him and they did speak," the spokesman said.


"(Jindal) wanted to buck him up because he knows everyone is in a rush to condemn him. The Governor acknowledges that not everything that the Mayor said was good, but he believes that Giuliani is a great leader and that this rush by the left and the media to condemn and marginalize him is ridiculous," the Jindal spokesman added.


"In short, the Governor is not going to throw Giuliani overboard for saying some inadvisable things," this spokesman added.


Jindal, according to this spokesman, "believes that the President loves this country and that the President has proven to be an inept and incapable commander in chief."


The spokesman says Jindal agrees that "Giuliani asked a very important question which the press has glossed over -- it was this -- 'What's wrong with this man that he can't stand up and say there's a part of Islam that's sick?'"


"The Governor believes this is question that needs to be answered," the spokesman.



Well, does Obama love America, or just himself?

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Sure Obama Loves America. His America.

FEBRUARY 20, 2015 By David Harsanyi


“I know this is a horrible thing to say,” Rudy Giuliani reportedly told a group of conservative moneymen in New York this week, “but I do not believe that the president loves America.” This is, evidentially, the most disturbing example of othering the media has ever encountered.


The perception that Obama dislikes America is nothing new in conservative circles. Radio talk hosts have asked me numerous times – often, in creative ways – if I agree that the president “hates” America. Since none of us has the ability to bore into the souls of fellow humans and unlock all their hidden motivations, the question is distracting and irrelevant. And as political rhetoric goes it’s needlessly hyperbolic. Scissors-32x32.png


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The Mysterious “Frank” Returns

Cliff Kincaid — February 20, 2015


Yesterday’s news became big news on the Fox News Channel on Thursday when former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani brought up the name of President Barack Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. It was almost seven years to the day when we published our seminal piece about Davis, “Obama’s Communist Mentor.”


Davis was a member of the Communist Party and a suspected Soviet espionage agent. He was included in the FBI’s security index, meaning that Davis could be arrested or detained in the event of a national emergency. The FBI file on Davis documents his anti-white and pro-Soviet views, infiltration of the Hawaii Democratic Party, and other activities. Scissors-32x32.png


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Now I have not followed his story all that much, because 1. it's boring 2. it has nothing to do with anything really. So has anyone read/heard any licensed certified smart person (Left or right) make the simple point that it doesn't matter? It matters not one wit if he loves this country or not, what matters is what is he doing.

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Obama’s Communist Mentor

Cliff Kincaid — February 18, 2008

ObamaDavisObamaDunham.jpgIn his biography of Barack Obama, David Mendell writes about Obama’s life as a “secret smoker” and how he “went to great lengths to conceal the habit.” But what about Obama’s secret political life? It turns out that Obama’s childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a communist.

In his books, Obama admits attending “socialist conferences” and coming into contact with Marxist literature. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.aim.org/aim-column/obamas-communist-mentor/

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O Beautiful, For Specious Guys…

By Curt


Sat, Feb, 21st, 2015


Mark Steyn:


The US media have had a fit of the vapors over Rudy Giuliani’s suggestion that Barack Obama does not love America. As the Instapundit says, their reaction suggests that Giuliani hit a nerve.


For my own part, I am way beyond that. By the way, I’m growing rather weary of the cheap comparisons of Obama with Neville Chamberlain. The British Prime Minister got the biggest issue of the day wrong. But no one ever doubted that he loved his country. That’s why, after his eviction from Downing Street, Churchill kept him on in his ministry as Lord President of the Council, and indeed made Chamberlain part of the five-man war cabinet and had him chair it during his frequent absences. When he died of cancer in October 1940, Churchill wept over his coffin.


So please don’t insult Neville Chamberlain by comparing him to Obama. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, because conspiracies are generally a comforting illusion: the real problem with Obama is that the citizens of the global superpower twice elected him to office. Yet one way to look at the current “leader of the free world” is this: If he were working for the other side, what exactly would he be doing differently? Scissors-32x32.png


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“A Tree and Its Fruit”, Gov. Scott Walker and Barack Obama’s Faith Matthew 7 tells us what we need to know about Barack Obama

By: Bill S (Diary) | February 22nd, 2015 at 02:00 PM


There’s been yet another stink in the left-wing press about Gov. Scott Walker and his reluctance to give the “right” answer to their bear-trap-oriented questions. When asked if Barack Obama is a Christian, Walker responded “I don’t know.” But THEN he also responded:


“I’ve actually never talked about it or I haven’t read about that,” Walker said, his voice calm and firm.



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February 23, 2015

Rudy is Right

By Ed Lasky

“America’s Mayor” Rudy Giuliani was right about Obama not loving America. Who supports his view? Barack Obama himself.


Last week at a small private dinner, Rudy Giuliani openly questioned whether Barack Obama “loves America” while discussing Obama’s foreign policy and remarks about Islamic terrorists : Scissors-32x32.png



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