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House Majority Whip Scalise To Senate: Do Your Job, Pass DHS Funding Bill Blocking Obama Amnesty


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exclusive-house-majority-whip-scalise-to-senate-do-your-job-pass-dhs-funding-bill-blocking-obama-amnestyBreitbart News‎:

Matthew Boyle

9 Feb 2015 Washington, DC


The number three lawmaker in House GOP leadership is stepping up to oppose President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, taking a major action sure to fire up conservatives.


House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) tells Breitbart News exclusively that he’s calling on Senate Democrats to stop their obstructionism and open debate on a House-passed bill that funds the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in its entirety — with the exception of President Obama’s executive amnesty.


“The only path forward on DHS is for the Senate to get on the bill,” Scalise said in a statement provided to Breitbart News.


It must go through the Senate to get to the president’s desk. If obstructionist Senate Democrats have an issue with the content of the bill, they will have time to address their concerns during open debate. As House Republicans, we did our job – we kept our promise to the American people that we would take action to stop the president’s executive overreach – now it’s time for the Senate to do theirs.



While this isn’t the end-all-be-all solution to that infighting, Scalise’s clarion call to the Senate represents a major step in the conservative direction for the House GOP leadership in a way that the conservative movement is surely going to appreciate. Conservatives don’t hate GOP leadership; they just want Republican leaders to stand up and fight alongside them against the left and Democrats as hard as they possibly can. This move represents about as bold a call as Scalise can make during this battle, and that he’s keeping up the fight rather than capitulating to the thus-far-unified Senate Democrats is going to be at the least refreshing to conservatives—and at the most, a rallying cry that could unite Congressional Republicans on both sides of the Hill against the Democrats to create dissension on the other side. Creating dissension in the Democratic camp is necessary if Republicans are going to stop Obama’s executive amnesty.







House GOP Whip Steve Scalise On The DHS Funding Bill And The Looming Showdown Or Shutdown




Transcript At Link



HH: Oh, Representative Scalise is back. Thank you, Representative. I was looking for the declaration, we will not blink. Is that fair to say that the House Republicans are not going to blink on this?


SS: We’re not blinking. WE, again, we sent the bill over. We want the agency to be funded, and we want to make it clear that the President doesn’t have the legal authority that by the way, President Obama himself said 22 different times over the years that he doesn’t have this legal authority. And many Senate Democrats, seven specifically said the President doesn’t have this legal authority. So here’s their opportunity. We’ve had our opportunity in the House, and we sent the bill over in a strong vote. Now the Senate’s got to take this bill up.





If The Blink...well its gonna be bad....very bad.

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It must go through the Senate to get to the president’s desk. If obstructionist Senate Democrats have an issue with the content of the bill, they will have time to address their concerns during open debate. As House Republicans, we did our job – we kept our promise to the American people that we would take action to stop the president’s executive overreach – now it’s time for the Senate to do theirs.


It's not the Dem obstructionists that cheese me off, it's the RINOs like McCain, Flake and Linda Graham. Cartoon from Pookie to day illustrative of my point:




They'll be the ones to stick a shiv in this thing.

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Are Senate Republicans Hanging the House Out to Dry?
John Hinderaker
February 10, 2015

The House of Representatives has passed legislation that fully funds the Department of Homeland Security, except that it withholds funding to implement President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional immigration fiats. Republican leadership in the Senate has tried to bring the House measure up for a vote three times, but each time the Democrats have filibustered it. The department is funded, I believe, through February 27. At that point the money begins to run out.

The Republicans hold the cards here. It is close to inconceivable that the Democrats would shut down the Department of Homeland Security by continuing to filibuster the department’s appropriation. Yet, if this account in the National Journal is correct, Senate Republicans may be preparing to fold a winning hand:

As the deadline to fund the Homeland Security Department nears, House and Senate Republicans agree on one thing: It’s the other chamber’s problem.

After pushing to pass the House’s DHS funding bill three times in recent weeks and not seeing an inch of movement from Democrats, the Senate majority returned to Washington this week without many options. Almost to a member, they now say the onus is on the House to come up with another plan—and on Democrats to avert putting the country in danger.

The House came up with the best possible plan. It is up to Senate Republicans to stick with it.



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Mitch McConnell: Our attempt to defund Obama’s executive amnesty is “stuck”; Update: Get off your asses, Boehner tells Senate Dems

February 11, 2015


A leftover from last night. He means the Senate specifically is stuck because Democrats keep filibustering GOP bills that would make funding for Homeland Security contingent upon defunding Obama’s immigration measures, but the problem is bigger than that. The entire congressional Republican leadership is stuck. And getting unstuck won’t be easy.




And all of this was foreseeable. Watch Cruz in the second clip below, recorded this past weekend, in which he calls the “cromnibus” bill that set all of this up a “box canyon.” That’s correct. The idea was that, rather than risk a wider government shutdown over Obama’s amnesty, Republicans would focus on DHS funding and risk a limited shutdown of that department if Obama and the Dems refused to scale back his immigration actions. But they were never willing to shut down DHS either — and, bizarrely, they made no secret of that fact. They were bluffing and they admitted it, and then, for good measure, the House passed an amendment to the DHS bill that not only would have blocked Obama’s recent mega-amnesty but also the smaller DACA amnesty for DREAMers that he imposed in 2012, thus making it even less palatable to centrist Dems. On the one hand they vowed to use their power of the pursue to stop Obama’s executive overreach while on the other hand they vowed to show American voters eyeing 2016 that the new, responsible Republican Congress would never tolerate shutdowns. How you square those two things is beyond me, and beyond Cruz. All that’s left now is to try to squeeze some PR points out of this by framing the current impasse and looming DHS shutdown as driven by Democrats rather than the GOP. (You’ll see Cruz segue into that point as well.) Which is true: It’s Democrats who are blocking funding for DHS right now because they care more about protecting Obama’s amnesty than they do about funding Homeland Security. But if you think that’s how the media will frame this standoff if/when DHS runs out of funding in a few weeks, you’re a far more optimistic person than me.





Update: More PR points.


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