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Dead on Arrival: GOP Rejects Obama's $4 Trillion Budget


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Let's start with the good news. For just the second time in six years, President Obama submitted his annual budget request on time today, unveiling his fiscal blueprint in a speech at the Department of Homeland Security (not a coincidental venue, by the way). Conn ran through some of the big ticket takeaways from the proposal in a must-read post this afternoon. The president's plan calls for the highest level of federal spending ever, blows through previously agreed-upon budget caps, raises taxes by more than $2 trillion, and never comes close to balancing. According to the House Budget Committee, Obama's FY 2016 budget would add $8.5 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, while doing nothing of significance to rein in America's biggest fiscal threat: Runaway, unsustainable unpaid-for promises on entitlement programs -- which Obama has acknowledged as a major problem. In other words, this latest offering is par for the course. Katie reminds us that Team Obama habitually serves up unrealistic duds on the budgetary front. Several recent iterations have been unanimously or nearly unanimously rejected by Congress, with the White House actually encouraging Democrats to vote against the president's plan, effectively fulfilling the textbook definition of cynicism. Republican leaders on both sides of Capitol Hill have already signaled that the 2016 version of Obama's fiscal vision is a complete non starter.



Just say no.

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The President’s Proposed Budget Meets Late Night Television

Jack Wilson

February 10, 2015





To put the president’s $4 trillion budget in perspective, the U.S. population is roughly 320 million people. If the president’s budget was divided among every American, each person would receive $12,500.Counting each American as a one-person unrelated individual, this money alone would put every American over the poverty line of $11,720.




Included in President Obama’s astronomical budget are programs such as government-funded childcare and federal school lunch standards. These programs extend the size, scope, cost and reach of government and should be left to individuals and states to control and finance.


Americans still have reason to smile though. The failure of the budget to address needed reforms and its lack of spending cuts mean it has little chance of surviving congressional review. Experts at The Heritage Foundation say that “to actually usher in a better future for Americans, Congress should disregard this budget and focus on spending reforms that put the budget on a path to balance, to grow the economy and stop the growth in the national debt.”



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U.S. Government Debt Is Now at a Once-Unimaginable Level


FEBRUARY 13, 2015Robert Higgs


Earlier today I was looking through some old records, and I came across a flyer for a symposium in which I participated at Seattle University early in 1990. The flyer announced the symposium topic by asking: “A $3 Trillion National Debt: Does It Matter? What Can We Do About It?” The topic seemed timely enough, given that the gross federal debt had just passed the $3 trillion mark for the first time and was rising at a brisk pace. Back then, $3 trillion seemed like “real money,” so some people were rightly concerned about the consequences of such large and growing public indebtedness. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://mises.org/blog/us-government-debt-now-once-unimaginable-level

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