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royal-rouletteThe Washington Institute for Near East Policy:

With King Abdullah in the hospital, the West should be bracing for a stormy succession battle in the House of Saud.

Simon Henderson

January 7, 2015


The latest news from Saudi Arabia is that 90-year-old King Abdullah is, in the words of the crown prince, "recovering from [his] illness." That could be about right: The king went into a hospital in Riyadh on Dec. 31 and it takes about a week for antibiotics -- the standard way to treat pneumonia, his declared ailment -- to take effect.


But this is hardly a time to relax. The kingdom is a key member of the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State, whose fighters are testing its defenses, as a Jan. 5 attack along the Saudi-Iraqi border, which killed three Saudi border guards, showed. Also, Saudi Arabia should be a key player in the collapsing oil market, but is currently a powerless one, unable to stop the plunging price of oil but consoling itself that U.S. shale producers, as well as Russia and Iran, are probably finding the process even more painful.


Even if Abdullah suffers no health setbacks, the king is probably going to be out of the picture for a few weeks, dealing with the aftereffects of pneumonia. That is a big enough challenge. Until now he has been the top decision-maker, playing a personal role in sorting out the diplomatic squabble with neighboring Qatar, holding a summit with Jordan's King Abdullah, and replacing six ministers in a cabinet reshuffle last month.


Will Abdullah allow Crown Prince Salman (age 78) to take over that role in his absence? Probably not. There are questions about whether Salman, despite his frenetic schedule of meetings and public events, is capable. As former CIA analyst Bruce Riedel wrote almost two years ago, the crown prince "has been reported to be increasingly ill...and often not up to the job." A BBC analysis also noted unconfirmed reports that Salman "suffers health problems."



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Saudi Arabia King Abdullah dies, new ruler is brother Salman

Jan 22 2015


Dubai: Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has died, state television reported early on Friday and his brother Salman became king, it said in a statement attributed to Salman.


King Salman has called on the family's Allegiance Council to pay allegiance to Muqrin as his crown prince and heir.


King Abdullah, who took power in 2005 after the death of his half-brother King Fahd, was thought to be 91, although official accounts are unclear. He had undergone surgery in the past few years related to a herniated disc.



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And Yemen government is overthrown today and goes way over towards Iran.


I feel so good knowing the White House is in capable foreign policy hands.

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NBC’s Engel: King Abdullah ‘Could Not Stand President Obama
Brendan Bordelon
January 23, 2015


NBC’s Richard Engel found the White House’s glowing tribute to King Abdullah ironic, since the late Saudi leader “could not stand President Obama.”


After the 90-year-old monarch passed away Thursday evening, the Obama administration released a statement praising the long-time American ally. “I have always valued King Abdullah’s perspective,” the president wrote, “and appreciated our genuine and warm friendship.”


But Engel said that King Abdullah “did not like President Obama. In fact, a lot of people I know that are quite close to the late King Abdullah said that the king could not stand President Obama, because the president was supportive of the Arab Spring, because the president did not support Hosni Mubarak in Egypt — in fact, turned his back on Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.”




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He did not like Obama because he was racist, let's cut to the bottom line.



I do recall reading stories that SA is pretty darn racist. By racist I mean KKK style, not what passes for racism on The Left today.

OTOH Malcom X as you know was a leader in the Nation Of Islam, he did the Haj, and he came back, he left them because of their racism. One of the reasons why they killed him.

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He did not like Obama because he was racist, let's cut to the bottom line.



I do recall reading stories that SA is pretty darn racist. By racist I mean KKK style, not what passes for racism on The Left today.

OTOH Malcom X as you know was a leader in the Nation Of Islam, he did the Haj, and he came back, he left them because of their racism. One of the reasons why they killed him.


Sorry, I should have used sarcasm tag. I have no idea if he was racist or not. Just if anyone does not like Obama they are racist, ergo most everyone on this site.

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He did not like Obama because he was racist, let's cut to the bottom line.



I do recall reading stories that SA is pretty darn racist. By racist I mean KKK style, not what passes for racism on The Left today.

OTOH Malcom X as you know was a leader in the Nation Of Islam, he did the Haj, and he came back, he left them because of their racism. One of the reasons why they killed him.


Sorry, I should have used sarcasm tag. I have no idea if he was racist or not. Just if anyone does not like Obama they are racist, ergo most everyone on this site.




Ah! Of course the is real possibly that Abdullah was a racist. Also what what I understand many in the Family Saud with the sun shines out of there A$$es.

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