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In Today’s Mailbag. . .


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in-todays-mailbag.phpPower Line: Steven Hayward

December 19, 2014


Oh goodya new journal dedicated to the holy trinity of race, class, and gender, because Im sure theres a shortage of outlets for scholarship in this field. Here, in full, is an email communication I received today:



Dear Steven Hayward:


We are thrilled to announce that the Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics (JREP) is now open for submissions and review! This moment has been years in the making, and is particularly meaningful as the REP section of APSA approaches its 20th anniversary.


Please find more information about the journal below. We encourage you to send your best work to JREP, and we very much appreciate your timely responses to review requests.


For future use, your user name is S and your password is .


Thanks, and happy holidays!


The editorial team of JREP






Hey! What about those of us who won't have a happy holiday! I'm feeling offended....Someone must be sued.

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@Valin I've noticed that when people, or just one person is all it takes now, are offended the offense is removed. So I think your offense to JREP should mean it won't be published.

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@Valin I've noticed that when people, or just one person is all it takes now, are offended the offense is removed. So I think your offense to JREP should mean it won't be published.

Actually I'm just lookin to make a buck. biggrin.png

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Why Should We Treat People Who Falsely Cry Racism With Kid Gloves?
John Hawkins
Dec 20, 2014

Since we’ve entered the Obama era, we’ve learned that the same America that elected a black President twice is supposedly a seething caldron of secret racism. Don’t like Obama? You must be racist. Don’t like Democrats? Definitely racist! So you’re opposed to Obamacare? Obviously racist. Sick of the IRS? Racist, racist, RACIST! Are you Republican? A Tea Partier? Just a plain old white guy? You’re a super racisty racist!!! We’re now even regularly hearing speculation that people are unknowingly racist, subconsciously racist or just racist by virtue of the fact that they somehow benefit from “white privilege.”

Here's an alternative idea: 99% of the cries of racism today are made for political reasons by people who habitually cry racism every time they have a problem or alternatively, just by hypersensitive, coddled losers who are desperate to blame anyone but themselves for their own failures.

Just as an example, nobody wants to hear the poor put-upon First Lady of the United States complaining that she was discriminated against because someone asked for her help getting something off the shelf at Target. Similarly, someone asked her husband to go get some coffee because he was wearing a tuxedo and the person mistook him for a waiter? Boo freaking hoo. A lot of people get mistaken for store employees at some point in their life. I’ve been mistaken for a Wal-Mart employee – and despite the fact that I wasn’t wearing a blue smock with “How may I help you?” on it, it never occurred to me to blame it on racism. “That’s because you’re white!” No, it’s because I’m not an asshat who chalks up every minor inconvenience in my life to race.







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