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Holder Vows DOJ Will Release New Police Standards to 'End Racial Profiling Once and For All'


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On Monday evening, Attorney General Eric Holder told activists and law enforcement officials in Atlanta that Ferguson presents an opportunity to deal with issues like racial injustice and the perception that police treat minorities unfairly before announcing that new federal standards against racial profiling are on the way.

"This presents this nation with, I think, a unique opportunity," Holder said, according to CNN. "And I think it's incumbent on all of us to seize this opportunity to deal with issues that for too long have been ignored."

Holder kicked off the first of a series of community forums on Ferguson at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta and said he will, in the coming days, "announce updated Justice Department guidance regarding profiling by federal law enforcement, which will institute rigorous new standards—and robust safeguards—to help end racial profiling, once and for all."

"This new guidance will codify our commitment to the very highest standards of fair and effective policing," Holder said.

Holder was reportedly heckled at the event but told the hecklers that, "I ain't mad atcha, all right?"

"There will be a tendency on the part of some to condemn what we just saw, but we shouldn't," Holder reportedly said. "What we saw there was a genuine expression of concern and involvement. And it is through that level of involvement, that level of concern and I hope a level of perseverance and commitment that change ultimately will come."Scissors-32x32.png



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President Obama met with over two dozen people regarding the Ferguson unrest on Monday, including law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, and young people involved in activism protesting the decision by the grand jury in the Michael Brown case.

“When any part of the American family does not feel like it is being treated fairly, that's a problem for all of us,” he said.

Obama explained that the “most powerful” meeting was one with eight young people who were involved with the Ferguson protests, particularly with those who suffered from what they claimed was unfair treatment from officials.

“When I hear the young people around this table talk about their experiences, it violates my belief in what America can be,” he said, pointing out that the young people of color he spoke to had felt “marginalized and distrusted.”

The group of young leaders included Rasheen Aldridge and Brittany Packnett of the Ferguson Commission, the president of the Howard University Student Association, and an artist Antoine White (T-Dubb).

Obama paid special attention to Aldridge and Packnett, pointing out that the pair from Ferguson felt “as if they are not heard or that the reality of what they experience has been denied.”

“That's not who we are and I don't think that's who the overwhelming majority of Americans want us to be,” he said.Scissors-32x32.png


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It was shortly before Christmas in Washington, D.C., a Saturday night In the early 2000s. I had been invited to a neighborhood Christmas party on my Capitol Hill street. As it happened, afterward I was scheduled to go out to dinner with a neighbor and her two house guests, a couple visiting from Chicago, at a downtown restaurant. Shortly before the party was to begin I received a phone call from the clearly anxious party hostess. She had ordered liquor from a store on the other side of the Hill and the store had just called to say their delivery man was ill and she would have to pick it up herself. Alas, the hostess did not have a car. So she asked if I would go pick up the liquor, already paid for.


No problem, said I. At this point my neighbor with the house guests suggested that the husband of the visiting couple — Jim was his name — go with me and that we take her car. No problem again. So very shortly the two of us — Jim from Chicago and myself — were in my neighbor’s car headed across Capitol Hill for the liquor store, Jim doing the driving and me doing the directing. It was already dark and a light rain was falling. We arrived at the liquor store and picked up the delivery, a box filled with hard liquor and wine. It was placed on the back seat and we were quickly on our way back to the neighborhood. Somewhere along Pennsylvania Avenue, Jim noticed that we were being trailed by a D.C. police car. We reached the bottom of my short one-way residential street and just as we were about to make the turn the lights on the police car started flashing. Jim pulled the car over immediately, effectively blocking the entrance to my street.


What was this? Jim had not been speeding, neither he nor I had been drinking. What was the problem?Scissors-32x32.png


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Calls for 'Michael Brown Law' Follow Grand Jury Decision


CNSNews.com) - Michael Brown's family will "pursue all the legal avenues," including legislation named after their son, attorney Benjamin Crump told CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday.


Crump said the proposed "Michael Brown law" would require all police officers to wear video cameras that record every move they make:


"The family will pursue all the legal avenues, potential civil wrongful death lawsuit, as well as look at pushing forward with proposed legislation for (a) Michael Brown law -- working with the National Bar Association, NAACP, National Action Network, and others to have it where it is required that every police officer in every American city is required to have video body cameras, so it will be transparent; we won't see this play out over and over again, whether it's in New York or Louisiana or Texas."



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After Ferguson: Yeah, Let's Have a Conversation Mr. President


The liberal ladies at Thanksgiving dinner were muttering about a new “conversation” about race. Bless them; their 30 million liberal hearts beat as one with President Obama's post-Ferguson remarks:


“We’ve seen young people who were organizing, and people beginning to have real conversations about how do we change the situation so that there’s more trust between law enforcement and some of these communities. And those are necessary conversations to have,” the president said Tuesday.


Conversations, Mr. President? Here's a conversation for you. We've been having this liberal “conversation” about race, man and boy, for about half a century, in which, nobody gets a word in edgewise except white liberal hypocrites and black racists, and about which most Americans are fed up to the back teeth. And where has it got us? It's got us from the race riots of the Sixties in the inner cities – from which the inner cities never recovered – to a nice little race riot in the St. Louis suburbs. And the significant thing about the Ferguson race riot is that the white Democratic governor of the state of Missouri didn't dare send in the National Guard until the day after the rioters had burned the place down. Because liberal conversations about race.


That's some result from fifty years of liberal race politics. The governor doesn't dare keep the peace until after the peace has been broken by “peaceful protesters,” the “young people who were organizing” to make sure that any “trust between law enforcement and some of these communities” was utterly destroyed. Scissors-32x32.png


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Ferguson Lynch Mob Leaders Convene at the White House


A week after grand jurors in Ferguson, Mo., did their civic duty and resisted pressure from President Obama on down to lynch an innocent police officer, Al Sharpton and Ferguson riot leaders gathered at the White House yesterday to make plans to further exacerbate the racial tensions they created in order to cripple the economy and attack civil society.



These domestic subversives refuse to accept the official finding Nov. 24 that no probable cause existed to charge police officer Darren Wilson, who is white, in the Aug. 9 death of Michael Brown, who was black.


The finding of “no true bill” contradicts the Left’s preferred narrative that racist white cops are gunning down innocent blacks with impunity. The failure to indict Wilson, who has since resigned from the Ferguson police department, has driven left-wingers and racial grievance mongers into an exquisite state of apoplexy. They refuse to accept that the evidence considered by the grand jury overwhelmingly, indisputably demonstrated that Brown tried to seize Wilson’s gun in an attempt to do the officer harm. To put it more bluntly, there is proof that in their fateful 90-second encounter Brown tried to kill Wilson, even though the media has consistently identified Wilson as the aggressor.Scissors-32x32.png


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Have race relations improved during Obama’s presidency?


When President Obama was elected as the nation’s first black president six years ago, many hoped his election would mark a new day for the country on race.


But on the heels of the events in Ferguson, Mo., beginning earlier this summer and carrying into last week’s rioting and looting, some wonder whether the country has made much progress on easing racial tensions.



The criticism is coming both from people who think Obama should speak out more on behalf of African-Americans and those who see him as too often taking positions based on race.

“What he’s failed to do consistently is express the anger and frustration of a very important constituency of his own to not just cultural misunderstandings, but to structural oppression,” said Jason Johnson, a professor of political science at Hiram College who faulted Obama for taking a middle of the road approach on issues of race.

But to possible 2016 GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, who is black, race relations were better before Obama’s election. “I think that things have gotten worse because of his unusual emphasis on race,” Carson said last week on the conservative “Hugh Hewitt Show.”Scissors-32x32.png


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Sharpton Advising Obama Insults Police — And Blacks


Crime: By rolling the red carpet out for black "leader" Al Sharpton, President Obama spits in the eye of every police officer — white, black or whatever. A federal war on police begins.


Scholar Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal charges that "President Obama betrayed the nation" and "perverted his role as the leader of all Americans and as the country's most visible symbol of the primacy of the law" in his comments after a grand jury found no evidence of wrongdoing by white police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of black suspect Michael Brown.


"The testimony of a half-dozen black observers at the scene demolished the early incendiary reports that Wilson attacked Brown in cold blood and shot Brown in his back when his hands were up," MacDonald noted, with witnesses claiming brutality by Wilson exposed as inconsistent and finding themselves "contradicted by the physical evidence and by other witnesses, who corroborated Wilson's testimony that Brown had attacked him and had tried to grab his gun."


Obama should have praised the grand jury's conclusion, coming after a thorough examination of all the evidence, and affirmed the integrity of America's criminal justice system. But like the violent, looting protesters in Ferguson, Mo., our president is uninterested in the truth.Scissors-32x32.png



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Did anyone ever happen to think if these boys were raised not to be thugs they wouldn't be shot by cops? A bunch of responsibility lies on these boys and their families. It's not my fault they decide to do the things they do.

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You're blaming the "victim." (/sarc)


If this sh*t doesn't get toned down, there's going to be a major conflagration and it won't go well for whoever is in the minority.

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Speaking on the House floor, members of the Congressional Black Caucus used the “Hands up! Don’t Shoot” gesture popular with Ferguson protesters reacting to the shooting of Michael Brown.

“Hands up, don't shoot,” said Rep. Hakeem Jeffries. “It's a rallying cry of people all across America who are fed up with police violence.”

“It was a John Carlos moment,” pointed out Rep. Al Green (D-TX) “Because this has become the new symbol, a new statement, a statement wherein people around the country now are calling to the attention of those who do quite understand that this is a movement that will not dissipate. It will not evaporate.”Scissors-32x32.png


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On his Tuesday broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough once again attacked those showing their disapproval of last week’s St. Louis grand jury decision involving the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by Ferguson, MO Police Officer Darren Wilson, specifically congressional Democrats and the St. Louis Rams players that had very publicly used the gesture.




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