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obamas-amnesty-declarationHuman Events:

Barack Obama ceased to be the President of the United States on Thursday night. He’s still occupying the Oval Office, of course, but it’s not the same office any of his predecessors held. It’s an insult to all of them, Democrat and Republican alike, to refer to Obama as “President.” They all held office under a rule of law that no longer exists. When he talks about taking action because he’s tired of waiting for Congress to pass a bill, he is transcending every imaginable Constitutional interpretation of his authority as president. There is no clause that gives him more power because Congress doesn’t do what he wants.



It didn’t die suddenly, mind you – Thursday night’s declaration of amnesty for illegal aliens, in violation of the Constitution, Obama’s oath of office, and the express will of the American people was just the next step in a long degenerative process. Depending on how things shake out, it might not be as big of a step as ObamaCare was – look at how much of the Constitution had to be sacrificed so that could live, from the end of First Amendment protections for religious liberty, to Obama’s lawless ad hoc revision of the law for political needs, to the Supreme Court keeping it alive by hatching a strange new creature known as the “tax/penalty.” If the Supreme Court rules the wrong way on its review of King v Burwell, our Constitutional order will be changed once again, giving our rulers new power to disregard what laws actually say, and act according to what they now believe the authors of the law probably intended. The Constitution has had a rough six years under assault from a leader who evidently studied it only so he could learn how to kill it, and it’s not over yet.Scissors-32x32.png

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The cautious road ahead for Republicans

Noah Rothman

November 21, 2014


The president sought to start a war last night.


In Barack Obama’s announcement revealing the details of an executive order on immigration, he tried to frame his as a plan that was specific and tailored. Obama reaffirmed the principles in deferred action for childhood arrivals (DACA), expanded the age of those DACA-eligible children of illegal immigrants to 33 and above, and reaffirmed his commitment not to deport the parents of those children, who were not going to be deported anyway, so long as they have lived in the United States for five years.




Republicans in Congress will have to address this issue themselves, and the proper venue is a budgetary fight with the White House in the next Congress. The GOP will also have to educate the American people about why Obama’s is such a lawless maneuver, and one which will have a negative impact on the lives of millions of Americans still struggling to find and keep work. They will have to talk over the heads of the broadcast press to do so – no small task – and they will have to begin that process today.


There is reason to believe that Republicans will be successful in this endeavor. If Obama believed his proposal would be popular with the American people, he would have been honest about what it will accomplish. He was not. Moreover, this president is not on firm ground and his administration seems aware of that. The GOP has a tricky course to navigate in the coming weeks, but if they do not react excessively and respond to this declaration of political war in kind – the response the White House desires most – they can call the president’s bluff.

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