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Contest of the liars — Bill Clinton vs. Barack Obama


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rex-murphy-contest-of-the-liars-bill-clinton-vs-barack-obamaNational Post:

Rex Murphy

November 15, 2014


We all know, or I should say, we all used to know that Satan, the Adversary, was the father of lies. Alas, the Grand Serpent’s claim to that dubious paternity has long since been challenged by more fertile and febrile monsters, among which louche set none can claim first rank with more authority than the tongue-torquing, lip-biting prevaricators of modern politics.


As for old Nick, when he was Lie-Master-in-Chief, He at least was clear on one thing: That a lie was, indeed, a lie. Not even in the broiling stews of Hell would He have tried to imply otherwise. He treasured His lying, tied it in fact to matters of apocalyptic consequence: the loss eternal of souls and endless perdition and pain. But not even Nicky had the brass to claim a lie as truth, or a lie as a disguised virtue. That was left to the PR-bred, spin doctor-massaged politicians of our sad and weary day.


Let us take the case of the great duplicitist himself, the Master, William Jefferson Clinton, a man who looked warily upon truth as the grease on the pole of his ambition. He knew it was an easier mast to climb when it had been studded with something more abrasive, when it had been gritted and rutted with evasions, equivocations, infinite parsing and jesuitical conjugations of the obvious. He splintered the pole with each evasion, scarred it with chop logic, and carved whole footholds with artful deceit.




Skip now to the current incumbent, the supercool master of the outright, non-subtle, brazen, full-on, deliberate lie. He sold the transformation of 20% of the American economy, the upheaval of its health-care system, and the launch of the error-riddled and Byzantine (the law is more than 20,000 pages long, with more to come) Obamacare.


“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health-care plan you can keep your health-care plan. Period.” Those are Obama’s straightforward, urgently stated declarations — repeated on tape to audiences of thousands and on television to audiences of millions. The “period” was his anchor of assurance. No way you couldn’t keep your plan or your doctor. Period.


As millions of Americans now know, of course, those were lies. And they were lies when they were made. The most central persuasion to have Americans vote or buy into Obamacare was a declaration from the herald of a new politics, of truth and transparency such as America had never seen, from the mouth of the angel of Hope and Change … all of it a damn lie.




Obama wins the lie tournament with the Clinton. But he was aided by a mindset. Obama is a progressive politician. He went to Harvard. He knows more than anybody else — and especially all those millions less intelligent than he — what is good for them. So with the smug, righteous and callous authority of the progressive, he was more than prepared to deceive those who elected him … and place his head on a soft pillow each night with the soothing thought, that — after all — he was lying to them for their own good.


And who could know better than them what they really wanted but he himself?






And as should surprise no one with an IQ 4 points higher than a flatworm The 1st comment


Bill338a day ago


Fair enough comment Rex, but ignoring the WMD lies president Bush put forth diminishes the impact of your bashing of "progressives". Political lies don't seem to be exclusively the art of the "progressives. Which lie did more harm to the world of the three?





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I vote for BO. And if I had to answer the question about harm to the world, I would still come up with the same answer. As for the harm to this country, will take years to undo that, if ever.

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November 16, 2014

Smug Filled Rooms

By Clarice Feldman

As the story broke bit by bit over the internet -- one angry citizen’s (Rich Weinstein) research established that MIT Professor Jonathan Gruber, a major architect and salesman for ObamaCare, boasted in 6 separate videos that he lied and that voters were “too stupid” to catch on -- we got to see inside what Professor Charles Lipson smartly coined “the smug filled rooms” of the Capitol.


Many observed the only “stupid” people were the Democrats who -- without a single Republican vote -- twisted parliamentary procedure to pass this into law, accepting California’s constitutional genius Nancy Pelosi’s admonition, “we have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it.”


The revelations could not have come at a worse time for the administration. Scissors-32x32.png


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February 21, 2015

Lies, Damn Lies, and Obama Lies

By Noel S. Williams

Most presidents lie. Some go a step further and craftily construct damnable lies. But the most pernicious are the Obama lies. Like statistics, they’re often used to bolster weak arguments and obfuscate reality when it dares infiltrate preconceived notions.




Curiously, one of our least effective presidents was known for his honesty --Jimmy Carter. But most of our greatest presidents skillfully mastered the art of deception.


Even though President Lincoln earned the moniker Honest Abe, he was capable of duplicity;Scissors-32x32.png


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Obama’s “Argument Techniques” Show That We Have A Child As President (Guest Post)

By Warren Beatty (not the liberal actor) No Comments


Sat, Feb, 21st, 201

5 771 views


There are five reoccurring techniques that Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama uses when he wants to end an argument that he knows he cannot win with facts. Or if his argument responses are not on TelePrompter. They are: invocation of a straw man there cannot be intelligent disagreement with him declare that there is nothing… Read more » Scissors-32x32.png


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