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DSCC: On second thought, maybe we’ll work on Landrieu’s runoff campaign


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dscc-on-second-thought-maybe-well-work-on-landrieus-runoff-campaignHot Air:

Ed Morrissey

November 8, 2014


This week, the DSCC announced that it would pull the ad time in Louisiana that the organization had reserved for the Senate runoff, leaving incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu to her own devices against Republican challenger Bill Cassidy. After coming under withering criticism from fellow Democrats, the DSCC has reversed course … a little. The ad time is still canceled, but DSCC chair Sen. Michael Bennet announced late yesterday that the committee would organize a “money bomb” event for Landrieu’s campaign:




Bennet may have been moved to get formally involved after two losing Democrats began to publicly organize to raise funds for Landrieu. Kay Hagan and Alison Lundergan Grimes began contacting their donors to get them involved in the Louisiana runoff, something that other Democrats thought the DSCC should have been doing all along:




And … no one put aside any cash for a Louisiana runoff? The runoff for Landrieu was a dead certainty; most also expected that Georgia would require a runoff to settle as well. Yet the DSCC appears to have ended up empty-handed on Wednesday. Where did the cash go? Did Bennet and his team ever plan ahead to remain competitive in Louisiana with the certainty of having a longer fight there to protect a Democratic incumbent, or in Georgia for a potential runoff to pick up a seat from the GOP? (The NRSC had put aside over $3 million for the runoff by September, while the DSCC planned to spend nearly $8 million before Election Day.) If all that money had saved two or three swing seats, then maybe Bennet could have explained that failure in strategic planning, but the DSCC failed to save almost every incumbent in a competitive race, excepting only Jeanne Shaheen and Mark Warner, whose race wasn’t supposed to be competitive in the first place.







In Politics, when things go wrong....they go really really wrong.

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Ed Morrissey

November 8, 2014


This week, the DSCC announced that it would pull the ad time in Louisiana that the organization had reserved for the Senate runoff, leaving incumbent Democrat Mary Landrieu to her own devices against Republican challenger Bill Cassidy. After coming under withering criticism from fellow Democrats, the DSCC has reversed course … a little. The ad time is still canceled, but DSCC chair Sen. Michael Bennet announced late yesterday that the committee would organize a “money bomb” event for Landrieu’s campaign:




Bennet may have been moved to get formally involved after two losing Democrats began to publicly organize to raise funds for Landrieu. Kay Hagan and Alison Lundergan Grimes began contacting their donors to get them involved in the Louisiana runoff, something that other Democrats thought the DSCC should have been doing all along:




And … no one put aside any cash for a Louisiana runoff? The runoff for Landrieu was a dead certainty; most also expected that Georgia would require a runoff to settle as well. Yet the DSCC appears to have ended up empty-handed on Wednesday. Where did the cash go? Did Bennet and his team ever plan ahead to remain competitive in Louisiana with the certainty of having a longer fight there to protect a Democratic incumbent, or in Georgia for a potential runoff to pick up a seat from the GOP? (The NRSC had put aside over $3 million for the runoff by September, while the DSCC planned to spend nearly $8 million before Election Day.) If all that money had saved two or three swing seats, then maybe Bennet could have explained that failure in strategic planning, but the DSCC failed to save almost every incumbent in a competitive race, excepting only Jeanne Shaheen and Mark Warner, whose race wasn’t supposed to be competitive in the first place.







In Politics, when things go wrong....they go really really wrong.



Michael Bennet rode the coat tails of Oblunder in 2008, here in Colorado.


He's a "milk-toast" Senator....a guaranteed vote for any Progressive agenda item.


Believe me when I tell you that his position is a plum job, given to a non-thinker castrati....for his doing whatever the hell they ask him to do.


The post above suggests, that in this case....his job is "under the bus for a quick lube" to placate disappointed Dem losers.


He's a light weight, keeping his profile in-state...invisible. He's the incognito "face" of the Democratic machine, in Colorado.


Think of him as a nobody "kneeler" before "the Effete Emperor."

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