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What Are The GOP’S Options In The 2016 Presidential Campaign Now?


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what-are-the-gops-options-in-the-2016-presidential-campaign-nowThe Federalist:

Awake, tired politicos, rub your eyes, and grab a large cup of coffee. 2014 is over. Even with the Louisiana race still technically undecided, it ended last night. Today the other “it” begins… it is the first day of the 2016 presidential campaign.


Now begins roughly a year, perhaps a year and a half, of insane speculation, horserace over-analyzing, moment-by-moment focus on the latest gaffes, endorsements, fundraising numbers, clever and stupid social media ploys, debate wins and losses. In a couple of months, you will already be sick of it and desperately want it to end.


But it is beginning, and as the Republican party, its grassroots, its donors, even its occasional voters turn their eyes to the race, it is a good time to take a snapshot of where each prospective candidate stands: Assets, liabilities, and inexplicable oddities. Off to the races we go.Scissors-32x32.png

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Carly Fiorina? Hadn't giver her much thought. Might be worth a look see.


Mike Huckabee will not run for president....From your lips to Gods Ears Liz!


Rick Perry.."Everyone knows the knocks on Perry. He is not generally considered to be an epic brainbox," It is always good to be underestimated.


Rob Portman....Who? Wasn't he the utility infielder for the 78 Phillies?



@Geee Very Good Article.

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Watching Condeleeza on F&F this morning and again wishing the Pubbies could have elected the first Black and woman President in one fell swoop instead of what we got. The Republicans AND the Blacks could have actually had a first they could have been proud of. I know there are things to disagree with her on, but that is so with every candidate and she would have made a hell of a better 'first' than what we got (and P.S. she actually IS Black)

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Watching Condeleeza on F&F this morning and again wishing the Pubbies could have elected the first Black and woman President in one fell swoop instead of what we got. The Republicans AND the Blacks could have actually had a first they could have been proud of. I know there are things to disagree with her on, but that is so with every candidate and she would have made a hell of a better 'first' than what we got (and P.S. she actually IS Black)


Condi Rice Slams ‘Appalling’ Dem Ads on Ferguson

by Andrew Desiderio | 11:44 am, November 6th, 2014


Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sat down for a wide-ranging interview with Fox’s Brian Kilmeade this morning in which the two discussed everything from the midterm election results to President Barack Obama‘s willingness to work with a Republican-dominated Congress, to political ads during the campaign season that had certain racial connotations.


Rice said she was “appalled” by ads run by the Georgia Democratic Party that warned of more Ferguson-like events if Republicans were elected.


While acknowledging that there are still racial tensions in America, she said America is still “the best place on Earth to be a minority” and that the country has made “enormous progress” over the years on race relations.







So I'm reading the comments...as is my want, and they are all pretty positive....until....



dumbrepublicans2 hours ago



Well, Condi, that progress didn't net much in Ferguson, did it? And in a whole lot of other cities in this country. Did you happen to hear the caller on CNBC this morning stating just how Republicans feel about YOU and all blacks? Pull your head out, Condi. Racism is alive and well in the USA. The very right wing, Tea Party, anarchist, Limbaugh and Koch boys party are the very worst of the racists, THOSE Republicans are calling Democrats racists. THAT is how we got to the Congress that takes over in January. Blame your own stupidity and hatred and prejudice and narrow-mindedness on the other party. It works. Because people like you, educated people, are too damn stupid to see it and stand up against it. Any one of those gun-toting Tea Party thugs would just as soon put a bullet between your eyes as look at you. And you had better pay attention because they are not joking.


Then there are our friends at DU


With this priceless comment


George II (4,814 posts)

From the woman who can't put together a complete sentence with a cogent thought.



Yes you head should be hurting.

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Watching Condeleeza on F&F this morning and again wishing the Pubbies could have elected the first Black and woman President in one fell swoop instead of what we got. The Republicans AND the Blacks could have actually had a first they could have been proud of. I know there are things to disagree with her on, but that is so with every candidate and she would have made a hell of a better 'first' than what we got (and P.S. she actually IS Black)


Condi Rice Slams ‘Appalling’ Dem Ads on Ferguson

by Andrew Desiderio | 11:44 am, November 6th, 2014


Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sat down for a wide-ranging interview with Fox’s Brian Kilmeade this morning in which the two discussed everything from the midterm election results to President Barack Obama‘s willingness to work with a Republican-dominated Congress, to political ads during the campaign season that had certain racial connotations.


Rice said she was “appalled” by ads run by the Georgia Democratic Party that warned of more Ferguson-like events if Republicans were elected.


While acknowledging that there are still racial tensions in America, she said America is still “the best place on Earth to be a minority” and that the country has made “enormous progress” over the years on race relations.







So I'm reading the comments...as is my want, and they are all pretty positive....until....



dumbrepublicans2 hours ago



Well, Condi, that progress didn't net much in Ferguson, did it? And in a whole lot of other cities in this country. Did you happen to hear the caller on CNBC this morning stating just how Republicans feel about YOU and all blacks? Pull your head out, Condi. Racism is alive and well in the USA. The very right wing, Tea Party, anarchist, Limbaugh and Koch boys party are the very worst of the racists, THOSE Republicans are calling Democrats racists. THAT is how we got to the Congress that takes over in January. Blame your own stupidity and hatred and prejudice and narrow-mindedness on the other party. It works. Because people like you, educated people, are too damn stupid to see it and stand up against it. Any one of those gun-toting Tea Party thugs would just as soon put a bullet between your eyes as look at you. And you had better pay attention because they are not joking.


Then there are our friends at DU


With this priceless comment


George II (4,814 posts)

From the woman who can't put together a complete sentence with a cogent thought.



Yes you head should be hurting.


Apparently these 'inclusive' and 'tolerant' and 'co-existing' people have never taken the time to either hear her speak nor read her resume - and I wonder how it compares to any of the bozos who are making these comments.

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