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Liberal Journalists Invent Fictional World to Attack Scott Walker


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draft-n1907978Town Hall:

It is not easy being on the editorial staff at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, especially now that they have been forced to admit that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's Act 10, which they strongly editorialized against, has saved Wisconsin taxpayers more than $3 billion.


Also known as the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, Act 10 stripped many public sector unions of some collective bargaining privileges and allowed Wisconsin government employees the choice not to have union dues taken directly out of their paycheck.


The liberals who run the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel knew that the Wisconsin Democratic Party would be crippled by giving government workers the choice not to join government unions, and government union membership has fallen sharply since Act 10 became law. Scissors-32x32.png

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Alternative universe, indeed. Here's the quote from the liberal Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:


If Walker could travel to that other universe — the one where he negotiates with unions instead of breaking them — here's what he would find: The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic. There are no new taxes. There are no angry protests around the state Capitol, no nasty threats aimed at Republican legislators. Democratic senators remain in Madison; they do not not run off to Illinois. They don't have to; they are working with the governor. There are not 15 recall elections, either, and Walker, though disliked by Democrats, is no target. The Democrats know better. ... Imagine: labor peace, a balanced budget, a successful governor, a new kind of Republican who works with his political foes instead of crushing them. It's easy if you try.


Where to start? Let's look at just one sentence, the one with the meat: "The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic."


"The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions..." That had already been tried, and the unions told Walker (and everybody else) to pound sand at every turn. There would have been no "concessions." The article does a better explanation of why the unions would never concede anything, ever.


"...cuts to programs..." Oh please, give me a wholesale break. "cuts" to programs? Are you sh*tting me? Like that would ever happen in the next million years or so.


"...a little fiscal magic." In other words, cheating in the ledger. Chicanery. If I'm not mistaken, years of this kind of budgetary cheating is what led WI to this door in the first place?


That's just the one sentence, the rest is one laugh riot after another. Thanks for the highly entertaining read, @Geee!

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Alternative universe, indeed. Here's the quote from the liberal Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:


If Walker could travel to that other universe — the one where he negotiates with unions instead of breaking them — here's what he would find: The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic. There are no new taxes. There are no angry protests around the state Capitol, no nasty threats aimed at Republican legislators. Democratic senators remain in Madison; they do not not run off to Illinois. They don't have to; they are working with the governor. There are not 15 recall elections, either, and Walker, though disliked by Democrats, is no target. The Democrats know better. ... Imagine: labor peace, a balanced budget, a successful governor, a new kind of Republican who works with his political foes instead of crushing them. It's easy if you try.


Where to start? Let's look at just one sentence, the one with the meat: "The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic."


"The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions..." That had already been tried, and the unions told Walker (and everybody else) to pound sand at every turn. There would have been no "concessions." The article does a better explanation of why the unions would never concede anything, ever.


"...cuts to programs..." Oh please, give me a wholesale break. "cuts" to programs? Are you sh*tting me? Like that would ever happen in the next million years or so.


"...a little fiscal magic." In other words, cheating in the ledger. Chicanery. If I'm not mistaken, years of this kind of budgetary cheating is what led WI to this door in the first place?


That's just the one sentence, the rest is one laugh riot after another. Thanks for the highly entertaining read, @Geee!



So many school administrators that were up in arms when Walker first got elected are now very quiet. It would be bad for them to speak up publicly, but privately his actions have worked and greatly benefited most school districts and saved them tons of money.


So many lies are being tossed around backed by tons of money, I am really getting concerned. Her commercials seem like 4 to 1 of his. She is getting tons of money and all of her phony charges seem to be going unanswered. He seemed to have run a much better campaign during the recall.

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Alternative universe, indeed. Here's the quote from the liberal Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:


If Walker could travel to that other universe — the one where he negotiates with unions instead of breaking them — here's what he would find: The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic. There are no new taxes. There are no angry protests around the state Capitol, no nasty threats aimed at Republican legislators. Democratic senators remain in Madison; they do not not run off to Illinois. They don't have to; they are working with the governor. There are not 15 recall elections, either, and Walker, though disliked by Democrats, is no target. The Democrats know better. ... Imagine: labor peace, a balanced budget, a successful governor, a new kind of Republican who works with his political foes instead of crushing them. It's easy if you try.


Where to start? Let's look at just one sentence, the one with the meat: "The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic."


"The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions..." That had already been tried, and the unions told Walker (and everybody else) to pound sand at every turn. There would have been no "concessions." The article does a better explanation of why the unions would never concede anything, ever.




Exactly Their idea of a concession is increases of 4% instead of 8%.


Reminds me of the old Cold War days, where the Soviets said "Whats ours is ours....whats yours is on the table.

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Alternative universe, indeed. Here's the quote from the liberal Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:


If Walker could travel to that other universe — the one where he negotiates with unions instead of breaking them — here's what he would find: The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic. There are no new taxes. There are no angry protests around the state Capitol, no nasty threats aimed at Republican legislators. Democratic senators remain in Madison; they do not not run off to Illinois. They don't have to; they are working with the governor. There are not 15 recall elections, either, and Walker, though disliked by Democrats, is no target. The Democrats know better. ... Imagine: labor peace, a balanced budget, a successful governor, a new kind of Republican who works with his political foes instead of crushing them. It's easy if you try.


Where to start? Let's look at just one sentence, the one with the meat: "The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions, cuts to programs and a little fiscal magic."


"The budget deficit is closed through negotiated employee concessions..." That had already been tried, and the unions told Walker (and everybody else) to pound sand at every turn. There would have been no "concessions." The article does a better explanation of why the unions would never concede anything, ever.


"...cuts to programs..." Oh please, give me a wholesale break. "cuts" to programs? Are you sh*tting me? Like that would ever happen in the next million years or so.


"...a little fiscal magic." In other words, cheating in the ledger. Chicanery. If I'm not mistaken, years of this kind of budgetary cheating is what led WI to this door in the first place?


That's just the one sentence, the rest is one laugh riot after another. Thanks for the highly entertaining read, @Geee!



So many school administrators that were up in arms when Walker first got elected are now very quiet. It would be bad for them to speak up publicly, but privately his actions have worked and greatly benefited most school districts and saved them tons of money.


So many lies are being tossed around backed by tons of money, I am really getting concerned. Her commercials seem like 4 to 1 of his. She is getting tons of money and all of her phony charges seem to be going unanswered. He seemed to have run a much better campaign during the recall.



Sorry to hear Walker's not being responsive. Bush wasn't either, about the WMDs in Iraq. What both fail to see is their failures to react negatively impact a lot of other people, down-ticket.

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