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Teachers pay price for leaving union


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A California teachers who want to opt out of supporting the teachers union’s political lobbying is now without professional liability insurance or a contract vote, even though those provisions are part of collective bargaining.


“There’s this undercurrent of fear and intimidation. If you’re not in step with what the union’s doing, if you stand against it, you’re not a part of the club. You’re bullied. It’s very intimidating,” said Rebecca Friedrichs.


She’s a California teacher who is suing the union, hoping for an exempton from union financial obligations.


With few exceptions, California law requires union membership of all teachers. According to the union, about 30 percent of dues fund political causes, such as lobbying.


Some teachers, like Friedrichs, become agency fee payers — they leave the union but are required to pay for services such as collective bargaining. They pay the full dues amount then receive a rebate for the roughly 30 percent.Scissors-32x32.png

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Free at Last: How and Why Union Members Leave their Unions


Aug 13, 2014

Throughout the country, millions of union members would leave their union if they could do so without penalty. This information comes from a new poll that will be released at this event. Why do so many union employees want to leave their union? What was it like for those who have left or are resisting efforts to unionize their workplaces?

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