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Fanning the Flames in Ferguson


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fanning-flames-ferguson-victor-davis-hansonNational Review:

Violence following the recent fatal shooting of an unarmed robbery suspect in Ferguson, Mo, has tragically followed a predictable script.


On average, more than 6,000 African Americans are killed by gun violence each year. That startling figure is nearly equal to all of the U.S. combat fatalities incurred in both Afghanistan and Iraq over some 13 years. African Americans are the victims in about half of the homicides in America each year despite the fact that blacks represent only about 13 percent of the U.S. population.


One would think that these alarming statistics would provoke the sort of protests that we’ve seen in Ferguson, but that is not the case. Nor does racial unrest automatically follow cases in which white police officers fatally shoot black criminal suspects. Only a small handful of such instances trigger outrage in the black community.

Instead, the sort of civil unrest we’re seeing in Ferguson is most likely to be ignited by the infrequent and disparate cases in which someone white, whether a police officer or not, fatally shoots an unarmed African American.


Controversy, for example, arose over George Zimmerman’s fatal shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida. Now, small-town Ferguson is in an uproar over a police officer’s fatal shooting of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown.Scissors-32x32.png

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#Ferguson: Valerie Jarrett Revealed as Orchestrating the Crisis http://conservativehideout.com/2014/08/20/ferguson-valerie-jarrett-revealed-as-orchestrating-the-crisis/?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter


It’s long been rumored that Presidential Adviser, Valerie Jarrett is the brains behind the Obama Presidency.


Speculation surrounding the amount of influence she sways over Obama abounds, but the New York Times has released a story revealing that Jarrett has been in constant talks with Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, and civil rights leaders, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.


According to Ulsterman and Breitbart, via the New York Times:


But as Obama returned to the White House on Sunday, Jarrett assured members of the media that he will stay personally engaged with the situation.


“He looks at this – I spoke with him this morning – his concern was clearly thinking about it as a perspective of a parent, and you want to know when you send your kids to school, when you leave your home they’re going to be safe,” Jarrett said in an interview.


According to the New York Times, Jarrett has “talked daily” with Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon as well as local officials and leaders from national civil rights organizations.




ConservativeTreehouse Via iOTW

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Al Sharpton. Mr. Respectable.

Reintroduce yourself to one of the president's most trusted advisers


AUGUST 22, 2014 By David Harsanyi

The persistent whitewashing of Al Sharpton’s sickening past will always be a mystery to me. But if we’re to trust Politico’s reporting today, Sharpton has emerged as the go-to civil rights guru for the Obama administration. “If anything,” writes Glenn Thrush, “the Ferguson crisis has underscored Sharpton’s role as the national black leader Obama leans on most, a remarkable personal and political transformation for a man once regarded with suspicion and disdain by many in his own party.”


Draw whatever conclusions you like from this development. But if the point of the piece is to detail the revival of a once-reviled public figure, offering a single purified paragraph detailing the events that first made the man famous seems a bit disingenuous. Perhaps a little more context is necessary for those who didn’t live through his violent circus.


So let’s revisit.Scissors-32x32.png


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