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Tradition 480 BC Battle of Thermopylae begins


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The Battle of Thermopylae 480 B.C.

46 nations, under thirty Persian generals, were assembled for the invasion of Greece, five of whom where sons of the royal house. On the arrival of Xerxes at Thermopylae, he found that the place was defended by a body of three hundred Spartans and about seven thousand hoplites from other states, commanded by the Spartan King Leonidas.


Xerxes sent a spy ahead. He learning about the small number of Greek forces and that several Spartans outside the walls that were exercising and combing their hair, he had taken accurate note of everything, he rode back quietly, for no one pursued after him, nor paid any heed to his visit, though they had seen him. So he returned, and told Xerxes all that he had seen. Xerxes, immediately called Demaratus to explain him the meaning of all these. Demaratus told him that the Spartans will defend the place to the death and it was custom to wash and dress their hair with special care when they intended to put their lives in great danger. Xerxes who did not believe Demaratus, delayed his attack for four days (probably waiting for the entire invasion force to catch up to them), thinking that the Greeks as soon as they would realise his great forces would disperse.


He sent heralds to the opposition force requesting that they deliver up their arms. The answer from Leonidas was as Laconic as the Spartans are famous for, no long winded speeches just a few words that sumed up their intentions.
'Molon labe' (come and take them).








Stranger, go tell the men of Lacedaemon
That we, who lie here, did as we were ordered.

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