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9/11 Commission 10th Anniversary Report: “Islamist extremism … stronger than in the last decade”


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911-commission-10th-anniversary-report-islamist-extremism-stronger-than-in-the-last-decadeLegal Insurrection: 9/11 Commission 10th Anniversary Report: “Islamist extremism … stronger than in the last decade”

Posted by Bruce Carroll Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 1:30pm


Group’s new report focuses Islamists, Congressional dysfunction and public apathy


It has been ten years since the original 9/11 Commission released it’s report. The Commission has stayed together informally, but today released a anniversary report entitled “Reflections on the Tenth Anniversary of The 9/11 Commission Report.” Scissors-32x32.png

From The Washington Post:

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I don't see what the big worry is...we did what they wanted and elected a Muzzie Preezy. He'll keep us safe, right?

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