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Marine Corps’ Top General Slams Iraq Withdrawal, Isolationism


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marine-corps-top-general-slams-iraq-withdrawal-isolationismWashington Free Beacon:

July 17, 2014


Four-star Gen. James Amos, Commandant of the Marine Corps, criticized the Obama administration over Iraq and urged against isolationist foreign policy while speaking at a Brookings Institution event.


“We may think we’re done with all of these nasty, thorny, tacky little things that are going on around the world — and I’d argue that if you’re in that nation, it’s not a tacky, little thing for you–We may think we’re done with them, but they’re not done with us,” Amos said.


Amos argued against depicting U.S. intervention as becoming “the world’s policeman”–an expression Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) has been known to use–calling it a “bad term.”





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