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WH: We've 'Enrolled' 3.3 Million People, But We Can't Say How Many Are Actually Covered


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Guy Benson
Feb 13, 2014

When this data was released last evening, I contextualized the numbers on Twitter:




Guy Benson @guypbenson

WH target: 7 mil enrollments by 3/31. 66% thru process, they're at 47% of goal & can't say who's paid, a prerequisite for coverage.
2:44 PM - 12 Feb 2014

As we've written over and over, consumers do not obtain coverage until they have paid their first month's premium. We discussed yesterday how non-payment rates in various states range from 20 to 50 percent, based on available data. The feds can't or won't unveil the national stats, rendering their enrollment figures useless. If you aren't able to say how many people have taken the crucial final step of enrolling, your enrollment totals are misleading at best. Let's say that the national non-payment rate is currently 25 percent. If that's the case, the number of genuine sign-ups is still shy of 2.5 million. The feds still can't or won't say how many of the "new" enrollees were previously insured. Studies have indicated that an overwhelming majority of exchange participants had other coverage before Obamacare was implemented. These rudimentary facts haven't prevented the media from excitedly reporting that the feds "beat their target" in the month of January. Less thrilling is the still-too-low number of young and healthy people signing up for plans. Phil Klein notices a wide disparity opening up between states that are on track to hit their enrollment totals, and those that aren't even close:



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ObamaCare: $56,819 To Sign Up Each Enrollee In Hawaii


How much does it cost taxpayers to sign up one ObamaCare enrollee? In President Obama's home state of Hawaii, it's $56,819.


The Obama administration gave Hawaii $205 million in grants over the past three years to set up its state-run exchange. But so far, only 3,614 Hawaiians have filled out applications — just 40% of the state's enrollment goal.


Even if Hawaii were to reach its 9,000 target, it would still cost nearly $23,000 for each enrollee.


Info on other states costs at link... not good.

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California takes down online health insurance exchange for small businesses


The nation’s most populous state has elected to temporarily shutter its new online health insurance marketplace for small business only four months after it launched, dealing yet another blow to a key element of the health care law meant to lower costs for employers.


California officials on Wednesday announced they are suspending online enrollment effective immediately for small businesses on the state’s new health insurance portal, known as Covered California. Health plans available through the state’s Small Business Health Options Program (or SHOP) will still be available but can only be purchased over the phone, via paper applications or through insurance agents.

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The Daily Kooks...I mean The Daily Ko's

An Obamacare enrollment trend to strike fear in the heart of Republicans

Joan McCarter




Enrollments continue to be robust for Obamacare. With a month and a half to go in open enrollment, 3.3 million are now enrolled, with a third of them signing up in January alone. That puts enrollments at 75 percent of the administration's target for this point in time, set before the disastrous rollout of the website in October. So they're catching up, and include an uptick in younger customers.


Administration officials said they were pleased with the numbers. These encouraging trends show that more Americans are enrolling every day, and finding quality, affordable coverage in the marketplace, said Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services.

The covered population is getting younger, Ms. Sebelius said. In January, 318,000 people age 18 to 34 selected health plans, bringing the total in this age group to 807,500, officials said.


That tracks the Massachusetts model: older, sicker people signed up early, everyone else tagged along. Analysts expect to see a surge in younger enrollees between now and March 31, the deadline for signing up.



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The GOP's Health Crisis
Eugene Robinson
February 14, 2014

WASHINGTON -- Oh dear. The Republican Party's worst nightmare is coming true. Obamacare is working.

The news that nearly 1.2 million people signed up last month for insurance through the Affordable Care Act exchanges is highly inconvenient for GOP candidates nationwide. It looks as if the party's two-word strategy for the fall election -- bash Obamacare -- will need to be revised.

Wednesday's status report on the health insurance reforms was by far the best news for Democrats and the Obama administration since the program's incompetent launch. January was the first month when new enrollments surpassed expectations, as the balky HealthCare.gov website began functioning more or less as intended.

Cumulatively, 3.3 million people had chosen insurance plans through the state and federal exchanges by the end of January. That is fewer than the administration originally hoped, but well above the predictions of critics who believed -- or hoped -- that the program would never succeed. The Congressional Budget Office now projects that 6 million people will have chosen plans through Obamacare when the initial enrollment period ends March 31, down from a pre-launch estimate of 7 million. Not bad at all.



ohmy.pngOH NO! It appears the GOP is Doomed Doomed Doomed!


Whatever shall we do?

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So when they toss out how many million people enrolled, I assume they talking all people covered by the plans and not plans themselves.


Certainly all the 18 and under, and many under 22 are on parent(s) plans. So we are talking maybe like a million plans so far?

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He said, "You keep them...if you like...." and said it more than once...


...but it turned out like fish & bike.....true believers were a dunce.....





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Obamacare Critics Still Tell Just One Side of the Jobs Story

The economics profession is famous for its balance—as the joke goes, we always need more hands to express all the caveats to our conclusions. (“On the other hand … and on the other hand … and on the other hand…”) That is why arguments about last week’s report from the Congressional Budget Office have become so frustrating, even when accomplished scholars are the ones doing the arguing. Instead of addressing a subtle and complicated issue with (at least!) two sides, the law’s critics keep turning it into a single-sided moral diatribe about the work ethic and the supposed damage Obamacare is doing to it. A perfect illustration is a recent New York Times Economix column by Casey Mulligan, a University of Chicago economist whose own research has become part of the debate — and who, in the course of dismissing the Affordable Care Act’s virtues, took a swipe at me, as well.


The genesis of Mulligan’s article is the surprisingly famous appendix to that CBO report—the part where the agency predicts that the Affordable Care Act will be associated with a reduction in the workforce of the U.S. The bottom line of that report is that the ACA will result in 2 million fewer jobs by 2017. And, as is typical of the generally excellent CBO studies, this report is careful in describing the genesis of this conclusion. The CBO highlights that there are essentially two different sources of the reduced labor supply. The first is voluntary job leaving by those who have been “locked” into their jobs by fear of losing health insurance. Some of these individuals would happily turn down their wage to be retired or caring for children, but were previously unable to do so because they had no other insurance options; now they are able to pursue those preferred approaches. The second is those who are deterred from working by higher marginal tax rates. In particular, since the Affordable Care Act’s financial assistance phases out as income rises, the incentive to work more also declines at higher incomes. In other words, the law’s financial assistance is an implicit tax on earnings—and the tax gets higher as people earn more.





More important, though, is Mulligan’s casual dismissal of the other reason why the labor market is shrinking, which was highlighted by a broad array of analysts. The CBO explicitly states that at least some of the labor supply reduction that they measure is from loosening “job lock,” and they never say anything which would lead the reader to conclude that job lock concerns are “far less prevalent” as an issue. That is simply Mulligan’s editorializing with no substantive basis.


Moreover, the CBO also includes a lengthy discussion of the potential positive productivity effects of loosening job lock. Since the CBO is cautious, and there is no consensus evidence on the productivity effects of job lock, they do not provide any estimates of the countervailing benefits of loosening job lock in their labor supply modeling. But at least they don’t ignore the topic, as Mulligan’s article would lead you to believe.

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Republicans open investigations into ObamaCares disaster sites

Jonathan Easley



Republicans are launching investigations into three state-run ObamaCare exchanges that are failing disastrously.

Lawmakers are setting their sites on exchanges in Oregon, Maryland and Massachusetts where Democratic governors embraced the healthcare law, and are demanding to know why their expensive online portals remain useless more than four months after launch.


On Wednesday, four Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting a review of the $304 million in federal grants that Oregon received to build its broken website.

The catastrophic breakdown of Cover Oregon is unacceptable, and taxpayers deserve accountability, wrote the group of lawmakers led by Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.).


The scrutiny of the state enrollment portals is a shift from October, when the federal site HealthCare.Gov was out of service but state-run exchanges in California, New York and even red Kentucky appeared to be humming along.

But several states are having major problems with their ObamaCare sites.





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Two Different World Views




Like this post. It is a perfect example of Progressive Doublespeak & Obfuscation.


What would Jesus do? He'd probably heal everyone with pre-existing conditions, based on their faith in Him, as the Son of the Everliving God.


Not that Defrancesco Soto has a freaking clue.


What she is advocating, is government replacement & usurpation of our free will duty, to provide for our brothers & sisters...and of course, theft & partisan redistribution of your "gift."


Christian charity begins in the heart & soul of compassionate people....empowering & enabling them to help others, and reaping: the spiritual affect of the good deed, the effect of the charity on the needy, the example for others & the love of God.


Instead....a government entity, backed by men with guns.....demands your wallet....removes whatever they think they can get away with...and gives it to a group of people that they alone, have deemed needing of support & aid.


God is cut out, the "benevolent" government man is adored and profit can be made by the increase of government bureaucracy...public sector unions & politicians that can recoup some of your charity for their private or political needs.

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