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Jesse Ventura: Feds killed JFK


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2536482Washington Examiner:




Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura is charging that the federal government had a hand in murdering former President John F. Kennedy 50 years ago.


In “They Killed Our President,” the former pro wrestler and his co-authors claim that the military, defense industry and intelligence community wanted Kennedy dead for being a weak on communism. They were also upset that he didn't want to enter a costly war with Cuba, which the defense industry was banking on after the end of the Korean War.


“President Kennedy sought peace and was viewed by these groups as a cowardly traitor by not giving into their overwhelming call for war,” wrote Venture, who ends his 349-pages with “Peace.”


He also makes a startling claim that the same clique has President Obama under their thumb and is forcing him to keep troops in Afghanistan and other hot spots. “We elect a president who promised to get us out of a war, and he can't do it?” Ventura writes in the book, provided in advance to Secrets. It is set to be released next week. “Has the military-corporate complex already taken over this country?” he adds.





I hear a lot of crazy tin foil hat people live in that there Minnesota State ohmy.pngwink.png

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wallbash.gif I will admit that we have more than our fair share of nut cases here. They elected Jesse Al Franken (and there is a real good chance he'll get reelected) and of course lil Marky Dayton.

What to know how bad the DFL is? Dayton was the most "moderate" of the DFL candidates!



I recall getting in flame war on TOS over Jesse, I (and some others)tried explain to that Jesse was A. not a conservative in any way B. A Nutcase of the 1st order.

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