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A Republican Opportunity


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Paul A. Rahe



What Abba Eban used to say about the Palestinians -- that "they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" -- could be said about the leaders of the Republican Party. For the most part, they understand tactics tolerably well. But they do not understand strategy; and, in their quest for high office, they simply wait for the Democrats to stumble (which they predictably do).


What I have in mind is simple enough. The Republicans -- much of the time -- know how to get out the vote. They have a fairly good idea of how they might fire up their base. They are fairly often outmaneuvered by their opponents, who have an even better understanding of this game. But when the latter blunder, the Republicans do know how to pounce.


What they lack, however, is a strategy. They have no real idea of what they want in the long run. The Democrats are not wanting in this department. Their aims were set out in detail in 1944 in the annual message to Congress that stood in for the state-of-the-union address that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was too ill to deliver. If you have never read it, you should. Here are the crucial passages:




You can criticize Ted Cruz for what he did in the last couple of days. It was an example of grand-standing, I will readily admit. But it had one virtue. He actually made the argument. He did not say, "We Republicans will make better managers. Elect us." He said, "What the Democrats are trying to do is wrong, morally wrong -- and it will damage each and every one of you. This we must stop."



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