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Martin Luther King Was Republican


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martin_luther_king_was_republican.htmlAmerican Thinker:

It is time for a new Civil Rights Movement to continue the work of Dr. King, which has been betrayed by the Democratic Party. The new Civil Rights Movement will be just like the old one: fighting for a colorblind society. Martin Luther King was a Republican. The original March on Washington was organized mostly by black Republicans. The Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1965 were passed mostly by Republicans. And it is Republicans who have remained true through the years to Dr. King's call to judge men by the content of their character.

Democrats treat blacks like they can't finish high school, get a job, start a family after marriage, and support themselves like capable adults. Instead they have to be taken care of their entire life. No wonder black conservatives talk of the "Democrat Plantation." Once you've destroyed a person's character, as permanent welfare does, you have left nothing.

Personal initiative, responsibility, and hard work are the only paths to success. Dr. King lived these truths. They are G-d given gifts. They are liberated by our free-enterprise system. Government cannot give those gifts but it can destroy them. It's time to stop the collateral damage of millions of wasted lives from the War on Poverty. The liberal Nanny State is depriving our entire country of a future. Republicans have a better way, and we should be joining with black conservatives to show that way to the black community.Scissors-32x32.png

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Marching in Time


The civil-rights revolution, like the American revolution, was in a crucial sense conservative: It did not seek to invent rights, but to secure ones that the government already respected in principle. “In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check,” said Martin Luther King Jr., a “promissory note” signed in “the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.” The speech he gave 50 years ago today is a thorough, if implicit, repudiation of all anti-Americanism.


The revolution was also a religious movement, overwhelmingly made up of Christians and Jews, unashamed to be led by a minister, willing to make an explicitly theological argument for itself: “Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity to all of God’s children.”


Too many conservatives and libertarians, including the editors of this magazine, missed all of this at the time. They worried about the effects of the civil-rights movement on federalism and limited government. Those principles weren’t wrong, exactly; they were tragically misapplied, given the moral and historical context. It is a mark of the success of King’s movement that almost all Americans can now see its necessity.Scissors-32x32.png



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John McWhorter: A Better Way to Honor Dr. King's Dream

The goal of the civil-rights movement was opportunitynot a 'post-racial' society.



On the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, we will hear a good deal about how life in this country for black Americans has not changed as much as Martin Luther King Jr. might have wished. We will hear little to nothing about the role that certain strains of black progressive ideology have played in delaying the realization of King's dream.




However, in the decades since the March on Washington, black America has been taken on a detour by too many self-described progressive black thinkers and leaders, whose quixotic psycho-social experiment they disguise as a continuation of the civil-rights movement. With segregation illegal and public racism considered a moral outrage, we black Americans are now told that we will not truly overcome until Americans don't even harbor private racist sentiment, until race plays not even a subtle role in America's social fabric.


In other words, our current battle is no longer against segregation or bigotry but "racism" of the kind that can be revealed only by psychological experiments and statistical studies.



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