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Dana Carvey, The Rodeo Clown and The Head On A Stick


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Dana Carvey, The Rodeo Clown and The Head On A Stick

“You Are Ruled By Those You Are Not Allowed To Criticize.” – Voltaire

By: Repair_Man_Jack (Diary) | August 14th, 2013 at 12:00 PM


Beheaded Bush Fine. Obama Rodeo Clown E-VIL!!

There’s one hell of a dragon egg hidden in Game of Thrones season one. Turns out one of the many heads on a spike decorating King’s Landing belonged to ex-president George Bush. Warning spoilers ahead. If you keep your eyes peeled when King Joffrey takes Sansa Stark to gaze upon the spiked head of her dead father around 12 minutes in, you’ll notice that one of the heads looks slightly familiar. Show creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss explained in their DVD commentary (from Season 1, episode 10) that the decapitated head is actually George Bush.



You had to feel for the poor guys over on the set of Game of Thrones. They had this scene where King Joffrey took his girlfriend Sansa on a tour of all the heads he’d recently severed,* but were short a few plastic masks to paint up as decaying cadaver heads. They couldn’t seem to locate any Jerry Brown or Arnold Schwarzenegger faces so they were forced, against their better judgment**, to use a facial likeness of President George W. Bush.



This is what we have come to ---- wacko.png sorry I'll hold back what I really want to say under DraggingTree ----------ohmy.png

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Warning: Mini-rant......


As we've aged as a country....from the 20th to the 21st century at least.....we have as a people, not given much respect to the elected leaders we've chosen. I know that some will say it has been ever so.....that since the 1st & most "perfect" president, George Washington...everything went downhill from there. We've become unforgiving in seeking that ideal again....and finding none that measure up....we tear down [especially in partisan terms] what we find unacceptable. The problem is that we want someone that will cater just to us personally, and....it ain't gonna happen....we elect who we deserve. It seems to me that it is apparent that we may just deserve the worst that can be offered, politically. Political correctness is the way that politicians can move us into our proper place. We even have a Secretary of Nudges:




A failed concert violinist.....Stanford educated....and now........Nudge Czar: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2013/08/white-house-nudge-czar-is-linked-to-far-left-think-tank-and-george-soros/


Maya Shankar is a senior policy advisor at the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy. Her mandate is to supervise the organization of a federal government ‘nudge squad’ that will subtly change the behaviors of bureaucrats — and the rest of us. The book ‘Nudge’ has become a bible for advocates of ‘choice architecture’ decision-making in government. (Engineering Evil-?)


Maya says:


“Insights from the social and behavioral sciences can be used to help design public policies that work better, cost less, and help people to achieve their goals.”



This.....travesty of wasted resource & evil intent, comes from Cass Sunstein [married to our 'excellent' new Ambassador to the United Nations-Samantha Powers] and one of the most dangerous men on this planet.


Yes we deserve what we get.....we've been very, very bad.



The George Bush head, is part of the new media [run corruptly by progressives] & is a not-so-subtle way of nudging us into our proper spot, and making sure we stay on the right side of the Messiah. When the head appeared on the episode of GOT....conservatives could have created more of a furor, but it seemed petty to do at the time. Just like the LGBT agenda that is constantly being shoved down our throats in print & on the tube....for about 3% of a 300,000,000+ US population....it is a tool of the left.


Anyone can see that the latest faux-lib-outrage.....the Rodeo clown impersonating Obama [to cheers from the crowd]....is not about humor [outlawed in most blue states now] or real intent to harm. It is about ridicule. Something that is a sometimes a sign of distress & comes from a feeling of helplessness. It should be protected by the 1st Amendment....but that's just one of the pesky Amendments that must go.....so that we can have a "Living Document" of a Constitution......instituted & employed by people that know what is best for us.


Those of us that can see Obama as more of the by-product of a rodeo bull.....than an effeminate tool that would run from one [even though he'd run screaming like a beyotch]......can just laugh at the absurdity of this punishment that has fallen on our once great American Republic.......and say, "You can kiss my rosy red a$$!"

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Must be read, to be believed:


An apology letter to Mr. Obama http://themattwalshblog.com/2013/08/13/an-apology-letter-to-mr-obama/


Dear President Obama,



I’m reaching out to you as a friend. I know you must be deeply hurting after what happened at the Missouri State Fair. Sure, you probably try to avoid watching the news while you’re on vacation, but I’m sure the pilot who airlifted your dog to your rental mansion in Martha’s Vineyard probably caught you up to speed (that guy is such a chatterbox). Your jaw must have hit the floor when you heard the news: A rodeo clown in Missouri poked fun at you. Yeah, I know, almost impossible to believe. The gall! The gumption! The racism! Don’t worry, the entire country erupted in outrage, Democrats and Republicans issued statements of condemnation, and now the offending clown has been banned for life from the Missouri State Fair. There will likely be “action taken” against the Missouri Rodeo Clown Association, and I do hope justice is visited upon them swiftly. I think we’re all a little sick of the Missouri Rodeo Clown Association causing trouble. It’s something new every week with those freakin’ guys.


But all of this is of no consolation. The fact is, a rodeo clown in Missouri made fun of you. Nothing can ever ease the pain he has caused. This sort of crass lampooning of public officials has never happened at a rodeo until now, and I know that because a bunch of people who have never been within 150 miles of a rodeo said so. And then — worse still — the crowd erupted in applause at the spectacle of a guy in an Obama mask being chased by a rampaging bull. Racists, the lot of ‘em! I mean, Bush never got this sort of treatment. Nobody ever mocked or satirized him. No crude jokes were told about him. Nobody ever wished violence or death upon him. Ever. You know why?


Because he’s white. White presidents always get treated nicely, especially white Republicans. Just ask Lincoln. The whole country agreed for over two centuries that we don’t ever insult presidents, then you get into office and all of a sudden every day is Pick on the President Day. Outrageous!


I’m especially sick of these punks in the middle class who won’t stop complaining about you. What’s their issue? OK, you haven’t done anything about the unemployment rate your whole time in office, median household incomes have dropped, less businesses are opening, the number of people in poverty has increased while the number of high paying jobs has decreased, all of this while taxes go up and Obamacare looms, threatening to strangle small business owners and put thousands more out of work, but so what? I’ve got two words: Food stamps. Or is it foodstamps? I don’t know, I can’t spell it, I can just use it to get my Lucky Charms and Dr. Pepper. You’ve made all of this “work” crap obsolete by increasing the entitlement state more than any president ever in history! You’re adding more than 11 thousand Americans a day to SNAP. You’ve got millions relying on the government for rent, cable, phone, even birth control. I guess this horrible economy stuff would be kind of a bummer if not for all the delicious welfare. Who needs an economy anymore? We’ve got you, baby.

So how could anyone be upset at you? How could they delight at the degradation and mockery of Barack Obama? What’s wrong with these right wing rednecks?




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Comment on this subject @ iOTW.com:


Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk

August 14th, 2013



Mildly subversive rodeo clowns: our next national threat.


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@SrWoodchuck @Draggingtree


History...It's not just for breakfast any more. If you don't know anything about history then people get bent out of shape about things like this.

While I didn't like what was said about W I was able to put it in context.

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It’s bull
By Doug HagmannFull Story




- Satire

John Pistole, head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), granted this writer an exclusive interview late yesterday to discuss the Obama clown mask incident at the Missouri State Fair that caused an uproar among the Progressive left. Speaking from his summer home in 1936 Germany, Pistole stated that the Obama clown mask incident serves as a perfect example that illustrates the need for TSA expansion to other venues beyond airports, and the reason the TSA specifically named rodeos as a venue of coverage in their recent announcement. Scissors-32x32.png

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It Isn’t About A Clown: Missouri’s History Of Attacking Dissent

By: Dana Loesch (Diary) | August 14th, 2013 at 09:54 PM | 1

Missouri has a history of persecuting its residents for disagreement with Barack Obama. Clowngate isn’t the first assault against free speech. Let’s review. 1) During the 2008 elections St. Louis prosecutors and sheriffs formed the “Obama Truth Squad.” Prosecutors and sheriffs from across Missouri are joining something called the “Barack Obama Truth Squad.” Two high-profile prosecutors are part of the team. We met them this | Read More »

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Obama, Ronald McDonald and other Clowns

By: pigfish (Diary) | August 12th, 2013 at 12:07 PM | 1

What is all the hubbub about a guy wearing an Obama mask anyway? People have been dressing up to look like fools throughout history and what makes today any different? Perhaps if he dressed up like Ronald McDonald, and wore a white face, things would have been different. Perhaps the bull would have bowed to the corporate giant symbolism and said, “Make me a BigMac!” I think not. The bull is a bull and BS is still BS!

So lets look at some facts. Everyone knew this was not Barry Obama in the clown suit. He needs no clown suit! This guy, the clown, is up early in the morning to do a job and he does it well apparently. A film crew does not honor him for taking a beer with the little people. He works hard at looking like a fool, when Mr. O has to be coached in his every move so he does not look like one!

This clown… well, he has got a skill.Scissors-32x32.png


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