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Reza Aslan, Fox News, and Bulverism


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bulverizing-reza-aslanThe American Conservative: Reza Aslan, Fox News, and Bulverism

By Robert LongJuly 29, 2013, 6:00 AM



You’ve probably seen a clip of it already: Fox News aired a cringe-worthy interview of the author of the latest Jesus tell-all book on Friday, much to the delight of many on the internet. In the now-viral interview, Fox News anchor and religion correspondent Lauren Green shows zero interest in the arguments or content of scholar Reza Aslan’s new book Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.


Instead, she leads off the interview with “You’re a Muslim, so why did you write a book about the founder of Christianity?” Scissors-32x32.png


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This guy contradicts himself. I understand what he is saying to an extent but since he professes to be a believer he ought to understand Lauren Green a little more. Christians are commanded to stand by the Truth and not understand scholarly research that seeks to disprove truth.
Frankly I thought one of the comments summed up the matter perfectly by actually quoting the quoted C.S. Lewis:



She certainly should have taken the C S Lewis approach:

“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”


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Reza Aslan is Academia's Anwar Awlaki

Jesus vs. Muhammad – scholarship vs. propaganda. Just look at the media treatment of two authors' books (here).


He is the enemedia's new dahlink.


The enemedia revered Anwar Awlaki, too. He was the go-to imam for the New York Times and the Washington Post on all things Islam in the wake of 911. And while Awlaki was the poster boy for Islam in newsrooms and at the Pentagon, he was also the imam for the 911 Muslim terrorists.


Banafsheh Zand, Iranian Journalist, Iran Analyst, and Human Right Activist, says this of Aslan, "Mr. Aslan is a known apologist for the Iranian regime. He is a shameless pimp of the Mullahs, and frankly, he is second fiddle to the infamous Trita Parsi and NIAC (National Iranian American Council) and his oh so precious PhD is nothing more than a front for him to go on international media outlets Scissors-32x32.png


I did put up one Jihad Watch post that touched on the fact that his Muslim religion was not being mentioned in the media, but my emphasis was on his dishonesty, as well as his links to the bloody mullahs of the Islamic Republic of Iran. On July 25, I posted this: "Liberal media love new Jesus book Zealot, fail to mention author is Muslim -- and member of lobbying group for Iranian mullahs," commenting on a Fox News commentary by John S. Dickerson. In his article, Dickerson noted: "Media reports have introduced Aslan as a 'religion scholar' but have failed to mention that he is a devout Muslim." This is true. In this NPR interview a section entitled "On his religious affiliation" has Aslan responding, "I wouldn't call myself a Christian..." and going on and on from there, but he never gets around to mentioning that he is a Muslim Scissors-32x32.png


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I had no idea that Lauren Green's interview with Asian is now being used as the #1 embarrassing disaster cringe making moment of the week/month /year. Salon.com, as liberal as they come ,of course leads the pack of God- less arrogant elite wolves.

Daily Beast is next. Their name is liberal/progressive/Democrat Legion.


Btw did you know that we who watch Fox News are the "least informed" of all voters? Did you know that Fox News is not really news but a mine of gaffes, misstatements, misinformation, deranged stupid screaming pundits like Bill O'Reilly and others on into ad nauseum. That Fox is totally in the tank for the Republicans so MSNBC and CNN are balances to them by REALLY giving a "fair and balanced" tilt to the news. YADAYADAYADA!wallbash.gifwallbash.gifwallbash.gif

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Oh and re Aslan and the Muslim/Islam article - did you know that for the last 3 years 9th graders have studied World History with a textbook that devotes Chapter of 36 pages to Islam and the Muslim religion and not one chapter to Christianity or Judaism. That words are changed to "Muslim takeovers" that were "welcomed" but Christian led movements were "massacres".

This expose came to light in Florida but the book is in use all over the country giving a favorable view of Islam.

Think about it.

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More About Reza Aslan’s Zealot Than I Wanted To Write (Or That You Want to Read, Probably)

By Alan JacobsJuly 29, 2013, 3:26 PM

First, Reza Aslan is not a New Testament scholar. In Zealot, he is writing well outside his own academic training. This does not mean that his book is a bad one, or that he shouldn’t have written it, only that it is primarily a sifting and re-presenting of the work of actual NT scholars.


Moreover, there is nothing remotely new in Aslan’s book. Its general outlines very closely follow the story told by John Dominic Crossan in his 1994 book


Jesus: A Revolutionary Biography, which was itself a kind of summation of work Crossan and his colleagues had been doing for the previous quarter-century. (Aslan is more prone to see Jesus as a consciously political revolutionary than Crossan, who writes of Jesus’s message, “It did not invite a political revolution but envisaged a social one at imagination’s most dangerous depths” [196]; but in other respects Aslan’s picture of Jesus so closely resembles Crossan’s that it’s peculiar, at least, to see the earlier book go barely acknowledged in those notes.) Aslan makes no new discoveries, and makes no arguments that haven’t already been made — in some cases very long ago.


Let’s look at just one issue that tells us something about how Aslan handles his business. In Chapter 4 he writes,


Whatever languages Jesus may have spoken, there is no reason to believe that he could read or write in any of them, not even Aramaic. Luke’s account[s of Jesus’s literacy] …Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.theamericanconservative.com/jacobs/more-about-reza-aslans-zealot-than-i-wanted-to-write-or-that-you-want-to-read-probably/

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Oh and re Aslan and the Muslim/Islam article - did you know that for the last 3 years 9th graders have studied World History with a textbook that devotes Chapter of 36 pages to Islam and the Muslim religion and not one chapter to Christianity or Judaism. That words are changed to "Muslim takeovers" that were "welcomed" but Christian led movements were "massacres".

This expose came to light in Florida but the book is in use all over the country giving a favorable view of Islam.

Think about it.




....and during the class.....all are encouraged to say aloud....the "Shahadah"........and Shazaaam!


They're all instant Muslims........which is just as hard to get out of,,,,,as the Mafia.....

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The Aslan Media website and Social Media accounts are operated by the Aslan Media Initiatives team. http://aslanmedia.com/about-us/our-team






An internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions, Aslan is a contributing editor at the Daily Beast. He has degrees in Religions from Santa Clara University, Harvard University, and the University of California, Santa Barbara, as well as a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Iowa, where he was named the Truman Capote Fellow in Fiction. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities, and the Pacific Council on International Policy. He serves on the board of directors of the Ploughshares Fund, which gives grants for peace and security issues, Abraham’s Vision, an interfaith peace organization, PEN USA, which champions the rights of writers under siege around the world, and he serves on the national advisory board of the Levantine Cultural Center, building bridges between Americans and the Arab/Muslim world.


Aslan’s first book is the International Bestseller, No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam, which has been translated into thirteen languages, and named one of the 100 most important books of the last decade. He is also the author of How to Win a Cosmic War (published in paperback as Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in a Globalized Age), and editor of the anthology from Norton titled Tablet & Pen: Literary Landscapes from the Modern Middle East.


Born in Iran, he now lives in Los Angeles. To learn more about Reza, his books, and his activities, visit his home page at rezaaslan.com.



Ploughshares Fund [George Soros funded entity]: http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/groupProfile.asp?grpid=7156

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Sr Woodchuck, why are we not surprised that Soros is the money bags behind Asian!


I found Aslan's bio most enlightening especially:

He is also the author of How to Win a Cosmic War (published in paperback as Beyond Fundamentalism: Confronting Religious Extremism in a Globalized Age)


I remember well the exalting kudos given to his "one of the most important books " No god, but God.

Another tribute to the only God of us all - Allah is his name.


Now Aslan is being highly touted and the darling of liberals/progressives everywhere for Beyond Fundamentalism, Confronting Extremism in a Globalized Age. - code words scream from the title itself for us Christians to beware - at least for those who have ears to ear and eyes to see.

My review:

The book is a humanistic sermon. To end all global wars that pertain to the religions of fundamentalists like radical Islam and al Quaeda the solution is to not fight them - just do not engage. voila, there is then no war on terror. (sound familiar?) All humanity will consequently live in peace, love , and brotherhood. As a result in the end all "fundamentalists" like We "fundamentalist Christian extremists" will be negated, silenced and conquered without a shot being fired. NO Body will speak for God and if they do no body will listen. Peace, brother.


Btw for those who might read this and have the modern idea that "fundamentalism" and fundamentalist are bad words. They are not

Knowing (and understanding) the fundamentals of any organization or society - whether religious or secular or government - is fundamentally important. Without fundamentals as a basis the results are like the proverbial house without a foundation build on sand that will not stand against the waves. Actually fundamental and foundational have the same basic meaning. The Founding Fathers (now stupidly called called Founding Founders) were fundamentalists who believed that we have fundamental rights created by GOD and they wrote a Constitution to ensure those fundamental rights.

Knowing English and being literate are of fundamental importance. Without them we may think that there should be no fundamental differences between Republicans and Democrats, between governments, between beliefs/faiths.

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