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Lew warns GOP to avoid ‘false crises’ over spending, debt limit


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313903-lew-warns-gop-to-avoid-false-crises-over-spending-debt-limitThe Hill:

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned Republicans to avoid "false crises" over a government shutdown and the debt limit in the coming months.


Appearing on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," Lew continued to hammer the message President Obama has been touting this week, about renewing a focus on boosting the middle class and avoiding self-inflicted wounds on the economy.


"We need to remember that this isn't just about cutting budgets. Obviously, we need to have our fiscal house in order," he said. "What it's about is building the foundation for a strong economy."

He added that there is a "majority in Congress" that wants to do away with indiscriminate sequester cuts, replacing them with "more sensible policies."

"Our challenge is breaking through the logjam in Congress to get that done," Lew said.



It's only a crisis when President Obama can blame he Republicans for it...

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