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Fight Liberal Word Games


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fight-liberal-word-games-deroy-murdockNational Review:

In her book Statecraft, the late, great British prime minister Margaret Thatcher wrote: “Socialists have always spent much of their time seeking new titles for their beliefs, because the old versions so quickly become outdated and discredited.”


The Iron Lady was absolutely right, yet again.


America’s Democratic Left craftily swaps the words associated with its policies. As public opinion or the facts start to escape them, presto! Their speeches, articles, and TV appearances employ new language. Leftists leave inconvenient lingo behind, like a snake’s abandoned skin languishing between desert rocks. Inexplicably, though, the Republican Right usually adopts the Left’s new parlance. This inadvertently advances the collectivist cause.


For instance, Leftists understand that the word “liberal” telegraphs bloated, intrusive government at home; a blame-America-first posture overseas; and social programs propelled by victimology. Defining candidates as liberals often assures their defeat.


So a few years ago, liberals started to call themselves “progressives.”


Ah, much better! Everyone loves progress.Scissors-32x32.png

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