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Anthony Weiner shrugs off calls to drop mayoral bid, new poll shows low rating on moral character


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?test=latestnewsFox News:

Anthony Weiner shrugged off calls Wednesday to withdraw from the New York City mayoral race over a new sexting scandal, despite criticism from old colleagues, media calls for him to step down and newly released poll figures that gave him a moral character rating of 17 percent.


Weiner told reporters Wednesday night that while the uproar of recent days had "been rough," he felt "these are things I brought upon myself." He added he was "pressing forward."


The ex-congressman was greeted with boos as he took the stage at a public housing meeting earlier Wednesday evening, the Associated Press reported.. But by the end of his remarks, the crowd loudly cheered.


Even former Democratic congressional colleagues said enough is enough. Rep. Jerrold Nadler said Wednesday: "I think he should pull out of the race. I think he needs serious psychiatric help."


Rep. Joseph Crowley said New Yorkers are "tired of the drama" surrounding Weiner. And Rep. Charles Rangel said he believes the voters will put an end to Weiner's ambitions.


A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday afternoon that surveyed likely New York City Democratic voters from July 18-23 -- news of Weiner's latest indiscretions broke on the last day -- gave him a 17 percent score for moral character, 57 percent for experience and 51 percent for understanding.



His chances are small, but he's not pulling out and thrusting ahead...

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