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Fox News poll: Summer of discontent with Obama, Congress continues


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fox-news-poll-summer-discontent-with-obama-congress-continuesFox News:

Most voters are unhappy with the way things are going in the country, and over half say they don’t see signs the economy has turned the corner, according to a Fox News poll released Wednesday. Those are two of the reasons why President Obama’s job approval remains below 50 percent -- and hits a new low among independents.


Just 25 percent of independents approve of the job the president is doing, down from 31 percent last month.


Independents were essential to Obama’s 2008 victory when 52 percent backed him. That support dropped to 45 percent in the 2012 election (Fox News exit poll). In fact, Republican Mitt Romney topped Obama by garnering 50 percent among independents.


Overall, 46 percent of voters approve of Obama’s job performance, while 47 percent disapprove. That’s a slight improvement from last month when headlines trumpeted the IRS targeting of conservative groups, the NSA spying on Americans and the Justice Department monitoring journalists. At that time 43 percent approved and 51 percent disapproved (June 22-24).


The new poll also finds most voters -- 63 percent -- are dissatisfied with how things are going in the country, while about one-third are satisfied (35 percent). These views are mostly unchanged since January. However, dissatisfaction has gone up 10 percentage points since just before the presidential election. In January of 2009, in the final days of the George W. Bush administration, 79 percent felt dissatisfied.



Another "distraction" for Obama to worry about...

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