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Anti-Semitism Runs Deep in Turkey’s AKP


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Via Meadia



It looks like the rot in Turkeys AK Party runs deepand perhaps even all the way to the top. An excellent analysis in the Turkey Analyst of how the Gezi Park protests have concretely set back Erdogans political program includes the following passage digging into the recent anti-Semitic drivel seeping out of the party leadership:




Anti-Semitism is not just morally reprehensible; it is the sign of a profound inability to understand cause and effect in the world of politics. When politicians fall back on anti-Semitic tropes, analysts all too often assume that these leaders are being cynical and are exploiting the prejudices of members of their base. The truth, however, is that its more often a symptom of a political mental disordera tell of an inability to govern rationally.


Has Turkeys AK Party fully succumbed to this disease of the mind? Perhaps not yet. But Erdogans lack of effort to condemn this kind of rot certainly doesnt bode well for his partys futureor his countrys.

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