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Obama to Berliners: Ich bin ein awful speaker


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062013-660700-obama-brandenburg-gate-speech-in-berlin.htmInvestors Business Daily:

This was not the moment he was looking for.

Barack Obama returned to Berlin Wednesday to give a speech where he originally wanted to appear back in 2008, the Brandenburg Gate. He was a mere candidate then and German Chancellor Angela Merkel vetoed the event as too political for the historic site.

So, the 2008 Obama campaign took its $800,000 and staged his speech elsewhere before about 200,000 Berliners, none of whom could vote in the U.S. election. But it looked great on TV back home. (See photo above.)

No doubt every American remembers where they were and what they were doing that July day when they first realized that Barack Hussein Obama was a messiah. Or thought he was. He gave a speech that melted his adoring media, what became known among several people as his "moment" speech. Obama said that word 16 times.

"People of Berlin, people of the world," the ex-state senator intoned on that long-ago day, "This is our moment. This is our time."Scissors-32x32.png

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