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Syrian-Rebel Teens Sing at Al Qaeda Camp: ‘We Destroyed America With a Civilian Airplane’


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syrian-rebel-teens-sing-al-qaeda-camp-we-destroyed-america-civilian-airplaneCNS News:

(CNSNews.com) - An al Qaeda video posted online in late May and translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) shows masked Muslim teenage boys undergoing military training and indoctrination at an al Qaeda camp inside Syria.

The video shows the teenagers shooting handguns at a large photo of Syrian leader Bashar al-Asad. It also shows them stating that their leader is Abu Bakr al Baghdadi (the head of al Qaeda in Iraq), and then singing joyfully of their desire to overthrow both Asad and his sister Bushra, of the valor of al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri and of al Qaeda’s success in blowing up the World Trade Center towers.

"We destroyed America with a civilian airplane,” the young Syrian rebels sing. “The World Trade Center was turned into rubble. The World Trade Center was turned into rubble.Scissors-32x32.png

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The Search For Politically Correct Weapons



Syrian rebels want anti-aircraft missiles. France is willing to oblige but first wants to prevent embarrassing incidents. So France is now openly seeking help in modifying shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles so that they cannot be used to do anything France, or any other missile donor might regret. Like shooting down an airliner full of civilians.




France is willing to provide anti-aircraft missiles if there is some assurance that the missiles will not be used for attacks that will make France look bad. The most obvious solution is to equip each missile with an electronic device that uses GPS and locations where the missile cannot be fired. The electronic access system could also include a timer that would brick the missile after a certain time (say a year) and require the missile to be turned into the donor country to be revived.


The problem with this solution is that it’s possible for the GPS system to be bypassed. It’s not the sort of thing your average Islamic terrorist could handle. No, these guys tend to be recruited from the shallow end of the gene pool. But with enough cash you can recruit someone who could jailbreak your missiles. For Western donors that might be an acceptable risk. But then there’s another problem. Unless France can find someone who has already developed such a weapons access system, it would take too long (months, at least) to develop, test and install such a system. The rebels want their missiles right away as they and their families are under attack from Syrian warplanes daily.



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