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Is Europe Giving Up on “Green” Energy?


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John Hinderaker



Leaders of the 27 European Union countries met yesterday to discuss energy issues. The meeting, as described by AFP, represents a turning point in European energy policy. Europes leaders are ready to join the shale oil and gas revolution to avoid being left behind economically:


EU leaders agreed Wednesday to face up to the challenge posed by the shale oil and gas revolution which has slashed US energy prices, undercutting Europes competitive edge.


All leaders are aware that sustainable and affordable energy is key to keeping factories and jobs in Europe, European President Herman Van Rompuy said.




Factory production is moving from Europe to the United States, in part as a result of Americas vastly cheaper electricity. Watts Up With That? compiled some reactions to the EU meeting. Some samples:



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The Europeans can't compete with the US.


Listening to Obama bloviate at his press conference today, it was obvious that we have an unlimited supply of hot air... at least for the next 3.5 years.

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The Europeans can't compete with the US.


Listening to Obama bloviate at his press conference today, it was obvious that we have an unlimited supply of hot air... at least for the next 3.5 years.


Why do I get the Impression that you think his Omamaness is....less than sincere.

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