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Trayvon Martin's Final Hour


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trayvon_martins_final_hour.htmlAmerican Thinker:

On the rainy night of February 26, 2012, neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed seventeen-year-old named Trayvon Martin. Three months later, a regular at the Conservative Treehouse blog known as Diwataman discovered the raw video of Martin's visit to the 7-11 that fateful night and initiated arguably the best bit of blogging detective work since the busting of Dan Rather's Air National Guard scam eight years earlier.

"I think Trayvon may know these three guys," Diwataman commented in reference to a trio of hooded young men who entered the store almost immediately after Martin left. For a variety of good reasons, Diwataman labeled the guys "the three stooges," and the name stuck. What Diwataman discovered quickly is that the blogger "noneyobusiness" had already come to the same conclusion. Together, they and other "Treepers" from the Treehouse -- "People help each other out," says Diwataman -- reconstructed Martin's final hour in a way that was wildly at odds with the scenario advanced by the major media but much closer to the truth. In all versions, the iconic bag of Skittles is at the heart of the story.

On March 7, 2012, in the first national news story on the case, Reuters led with the Skittles angle: "Trayvon Martin was shot dead after he took a break from watching NBA All-Star game television coverage to walk 10 minutes to a convenience store to buy snacks including Skittles candy requested by his 13-year-old brother, Chad." Reuters attributed this information to Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump. "What do the police find in his pocket? Skittles," Crump told Reuters. "A can of Arizona ice tea in his jacket pocket and Skittles in his front pocket for his brother Chad."Scissors-32x32.png

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