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GAFFNEY: The night that all the lights go out


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the-night-that-all-the-lights-go-outWashington Times:

In 1987, Ronald Reagan mused that if the world were about to be devastated by an alien force — perhaps a collision with a large asteroid — peoples of all nations, ideological persuasions and political parties would come together to save the planet and our civilization. We may be about to test that proposition.

At the moment, no asteroid is known to be hurtling our way. A naturally occurring phenomenon poses a threat, though. The technical term for this threat is geomagnetically induced currents generated by the coronal mass ejections that laymen call solar eruptions or flaring.

Think of it as “space weather.” There is a strong possibility that some of the heaviest such weather in hundreds of years is headed our way.

These currents engender intense bursts of electromagnetic energy. No fewer than five studies mandated by the executive or legislative branches have confirmed that such electromagnetic pulses are lethal to the electronic devices, computers and transformers that power everything in our 21st century society. Since these things are generally unprotected against these naturally occurring or man-induced pulses, they would almost certainly be damaged or destroyed. The U.S. electrical grid could, as a result, be down for many months, and probably years.

We know that this EMP-precipitated effect could also be achieved by the detonation of a nuclear weapon high over the United States. Actual or potential enemies of this country — notably Russia, China, North Korea and Iran — understand our acute vulnerability in this area, and have taken steps to exploit it.Scissors-32x32.png

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