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Immigration Reforms Means A Sweeping Transformation Of U.S.


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050313-654679-immigration-reform-will-transform-the-us.htmInvestors Business Daily:

Most countries in the world have irrelevant numbers of "immigrants."

In the Americas, for example, only Canada, the United States and the British West Indies have significant non-native populations.

In Mexico, immigrants account for 0.6% of the population, and that generally negligible level prevails all the way down through Latin America until you hit a blip of 1.4% with Chile and 3.8% in Argentina.

There's an isolated exception in Belize, which, like the English Caribbean, has historical patterns of internal migration within the British Commonwealth — such as one sees, for example, in the number of New Zealand-born residents of Australia.

But profound sweeping demographic transformation through immigration is a phenomenon only of the western world in the modern era, and even there America leads the way.Scissors-32x32.png

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