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Jennifer Rubin’s search-and-destroy mission


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jennifer-rubins-search-and-destroy-mission.phpPower Line:


Paul Mirengoff



Jennifer Rubin argues that Ronald Reagan’s mythical status “has become a burden for the modern GOP.” “The old guard,” she says, “has become convinced that Reagan’s solutions to the problems of his time were the essence of conservatism — not simply conservative ideas appropriate for that era.” As a result, Republicans have lost their ability to connect with average Americans at an emotional level.


Rubin is sore that, for the most part, today’s conservatives oppose gay marriage, amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens, and all tax increases. Republicans who steadfastly oppose these liberal agenda items have made the Party “reactionary,” according to Rubin.


There are interesting debates to be had about each of these three issues, and many others, about which conservatives disagree. But Rubin doesn’t talk about the merits. Instead, she bypasses debate and proceeds directly to name-calling (e.g., “reactionary” “old guard,” and “those who would pull [conservatives] back into the older, white, conservative enclaves that don’t care much for modernity”).





Jenny needs to get out of DC more often.

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I agree with her that constantly bringing out Reagan as some sort of Saint does us no good.


It is like trying to apply grandpa's auto mechanic skills to today's vehicles.


If we want to be successful, we need to look at today's challenges and find someone who is as ARTICULATE as President Reagan but has the skills to apply conservative principles to today's challenges.


For anyone under 40, Ronald Reagan is as relevant as Harry Truman.


That said, name calling and assuming gay marriage is over is doing exactly what she says she is against.

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