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Dems Retreat From Obama's Airport Sequester Squeeze


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www.humanevents.comHuman Events:

If any more proof was needed that the public isn’t buying Barack Obama’s ridiculous, and occasionally dangerous, sequester theatrics, Politico reports that “on Thursday, Democrats caved in and agreed to allow the Federal Aviation Administration to keep air traffic control towers running at close to full capacity.”

The Senate approved a deal late Thursday to ease the FAA’s burden following negotiations among both parties and the White House. The House is expected to take up the bill Friday, just before the congressional weeklong recess, so President Barack Obama can sign it.

While travelers may be relieved, some Democrats worry about saving the FAA while letting other domestic programs across the government suffer under the automatic budget cuts.

“I doubt the most disadvantaged citizens are flying on commercial aircraft,” said Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), who called piecemeal solutions “sequester budget Whac-A-Mole.”

Sounding a similar theme, top House aviation Democrat Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) lamented on C-SPAN that “no 3- or 4-year-old is going to call my office and say, ‘I’ve been kicked out of Head Start, replace that money.’Scissors-32x32.png

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