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Actor Steven Weber Proves That ‘Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming to Get Out.’


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actor-steven-weber-proves-that-inside-every-liberal-is-a-totalitarian-screaming-to-get-outFront Page Magazine:

It’s easy to dismiss the political ravings of the celebrity left as so much insubstantial hot air, but they occasionally provide a useful exposé of the totalitarian streak just beneath the surface of the “tolerant” left – as in a recent online commentary from actor Steven Weber.


If you are familiar with Weber at all, it’s likely from his Wings sitcom fame in the early 90s. You may be even less familiar with the fact that he is also a frequent political blogger at Huffington Post, the one-stop shop for narcissistic pop culture demagogues like Weber, Russell Simmons, and purported comedian Russell Brand.

Last week Weber, a self-described “wise-ass” (he got that half-right anyway), posted a painfully unfunny political rant there entitled “Comedy Relief.” As near as I can decipher it, the piece asserts that conservatives are a big joke, what with their insistence on sabotaging this country and demonizing the genius President Obama despite all the good he has accomplished.

Weber clearly amuses himself, but when it comes to savagely funny and incisive political commentary, the man is no Mark Steyn. Here’s an example of his wit and insight into current events: “Bin Laden’s been gone, Qaddafi’s ka-dead, and the Arab Spring’s been sprung.” Weber actually cites these as examples of Obama’s “real foreign policy victories.”Scissors-32x32.png

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From the Comments of Comedy Relief

Posted: *10/24/11 09:31 AM ET



282 Fans

09:24 PM on 10/25/2011

Here's the deal: If you're gonna accuse people the way you have, you gotta name names. And then you gotta specifiy their crimes; you know, explain the actual evidence you have against them. That means legally actionable evidence, Steven, not innuendo and allegation and supposition and, well, just plain hatred. Absent that, you're just making a big fool of yourself.





422 Fans

11:53 AM on 10/26/2011

Thank you for that stunningly in-eloquent and uneducated summation of "how the American Justice System works".


A call for serious, large scale, in depth investigations, IS NOT a call for PROSECUTION in and of itself. An investigation is called for when their is EVIDENCE that crimes have been committed, but their is insufficient knowledge of WHO actually engaged in CRIMINAL ACTS. Only AFTER investigating, can "names" be presented, and "crimes" be charged, based upon the "evidence" acquired through the INVESTIGATION.


Are you actually suggesting that you do not believe that "no laws were broken"?


Are you actually suggesting that the economy simply collapsed of its own weight? That all the money that transferred from Pension Funds, Private Individuals and Communities, and went into the hands of the BANKS was just the result of the "natural order of commerce"?






282 Fans

05:23 PM on 10/27/2011

This article called for Nuremburg style trials. That means defendants in the dock, charged with crimes, which have been documented and made into cases to be presented to a judge. Period.


I'm not saying no laws were broken. I'm saying PROVE which laws were broken, and by whom. Charges duly issued and signed by an officer of the court - districty attorney, etc. - and presented to the judge. That's where the rubber meets the road, as it's been said. The article by Steven Weber did not do that. That's why I responded.



* Couldn't find anything a bit more recent?

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One more actor that I use to like and watch w/o opinion deleted.


The wonderful thing about this country is everyone is entitled to give their opinion. Steven Weber has the right to say Republicans are bad terrible evil wicked people...just as I am entitled to say he is dumber than a small pile of rocks.

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Very true, Valin but we also do not have to enable his stupidity by ignoring his opinions and "watching" him .

Oh, and since what I said was not clear I meant I used to watch him act without any opinion of his character or politics - but no more.

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Very true, Valin but we also do not have to enable his stupidity by ignoring his opinions and "watching" him .

Oh, and since what I said was not clear I meant I used to watch him act without any opinion of his character or politics - but no more.



What gets me is the way so many of them get all bent out of shape when they are criticized for making political statements. If someone wants to play in this sandbox, they should be prepared to get dirty. Politics Ain't Beanbag.

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