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The Price of Utopia


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Dave Carter





"This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who's done nothing but give (back) to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia," announced defense attorney Jack McMahon in his opening salvo before reaching his anti-climactic climax, "It's a prosecutorial lynching of Dr. Kermit Gosnell." The prescription of racism having thus been written, most of the media took their meds and went dutifully to sleep. The only thing missing were a few New Black Panthers to stand guard at the courthouse and Eric Holder could have short-circuited the legal process altogether. But something's gone amiss here as the dark side of utopia slowly comes into the light.


We weren't supposed to see the milk jugs, juice cartons, and pet food containers that held the remains of 45 human beings, nor the jars of severed babies' limbs. In our supposedly enlightened age, when even the language is sanitized so as to avoid offending the advanced sensitivities of people who expect us to pay for their contraceptives, we weren't supposed to gaze into a decidedly unsanitary and blood-stained doctor's office, where broken and unwashed medical instruments were used amidst the stench of urine and scattered cat feces. In an age when received wisdom instructs us that government knows best and is therefore entitled to regulate everything from mud puddles in our back yards to the air we breathe, it really wasn't intended that we learn of the studied regulatory neglect that resulted in semi-literate high school dropouts posing as medical professionals, administering anesthesia to young women and performing "snippings," (the act of jamming scissors into the base of a child's skull and killing him/her by "snipping" the spinal cord). No, realities of this order were suppose to be subsumed into the hazy euphemism of "choice," and "reproductive rights," thereby denying us entrance to Dr. Gosnell's office, where according to one former employee:


If… a baby was about to come out, I would take the woman to the bathroom, they would sit on the toilet and basically the baby would fall out and it would be in the toilet and I would be rubbing her back and trying to calm her down for two, three, four hours until Dr. Gosnell comes.




Of the Gosnell story, Ricochet member Matthew Gilley writes, "So are the social conservatives still supposed to sit down and shut up?" To which one answers, no sir, it is the duty of anyone with even a semi-developed conscience to not only speak up, but to tear down the curtain of double-speak and amorphous dissimulation behind which the ghastly costs of leftism speaks for itself. As soon as the President is through carrying survivors of the Sandy Hook massacre on Air Force One, in his effort to disarm the American citizenry, perhaps he can haul the survivors (few though they may be) of Dr. Gosnell's tender care (including relatives of the women who died following botched abortions) to Capitol Hill and deploy them on a mission to make infanticide as unacceptable to the ruling class as a Big Gulp is to Michael Bloomberg. For that matter, why not take the families of the victims of Fast and Furious on a similar flight, or the survivors of the Benghazi attack?


And as long as they were in the neighborhood, couldn't the President at least ask Jay Z and Beyonce to take the surviving family members of the 166 Cubans who, according to the InterAmerican Human Rights Commission, "…were executed and submitted to medical procedures of blood extraction of an average of seven pints per person," by Fidel Castro's government and fly them the hell off the island? Well, of course not!.......(Snip)

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